



5.15.4. How-to Guides: Solve a Problem

How to download pre-trained models and corpora

  • corpora and pretrained models are stored in gensim_data project’s release_attachments

  • There’s no need for you to use this repository directly. Instead, simply install Gensim and use its download API (see the Quickstart below). It will “talk” to this repository automagically.

  • When you use the Gensim download API, all data is stored in your ~/gensim-data home folder.

Example: load a pre-trained model (gloVe word vectors):

import gensim.downloader as api

info = api.info()  # show info about available models/datasets
model = api.load("glove-twitter-25")  # download the model and return as object ready for use

[(u'dog', 0.9590819478034973),
 (u'monkey', 0.9203578233718872),

Example: load a corpus and use it to train a Word2Vec model:

from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec
import gensim.downloader as api

corpus = api.load('text8')  # download the corpus and return it opened as an iterable
model = Word2Vec(corpus)  # train a model from the corpus

[(u'driver', 0.8273754119873047),
(u'motorcycle', 0.769528865814209),

Example: only download a dataset and return the local file path (no opening):

import gensim.downloader as api

print(api.load("20-newsgroups", return_path=True))
    # output: /home/user/gensim-data/20-newsgroups/20-newsgroups.gz
print(api.load("glove-twitter-25", return_path=True))
    # output: /home/user/gensim-data/glove-twitter-25/glove-twitter-25.gz

CLI & python command:

$ python -m gensim.downloader -i text8
>>> api.info('text8')

python -m gensim.downloader --info
    # show info about available models/datasets
>>> print(api.info())

# load a corpus
python -m gensim.downloader --download text8
    # download text8 dataset to ~/gensim-data/text8
>>> text8_corpus = api.load('text8')

# load a pre-trained model
python -m gensim.downloader --download glove-twitter-25
    # download model to ~/gensim-data/glove-twitter-50/
>>> glove_model = api.load('glove-twitter-200')

How to reproduce the doc2vec ‘Paragraph Vector’ paper

  • 本文主要讲的是用 Gensim论文_ 3.2节的实现


1. Load the IMDB dataset
2. Train a variety of Doc2Vec models on the dataset
3. Evaluate the performance of each model using a logistic regression
4. Examine some of the results directly:

IMDB 简介:

大小: 84MB
it contains several thousand movie reviews.
Each review is a single line of text containing multiple sentences

There are 100 thousand reviews in total:

25k reviews for training (12.5k positive, 12.5k negative)
25k reviews for testing (12.5k positive, 12.5k negative)
50k unlabeled reviews

define a convenient datatype for holding data for a single document:

words: The text of the document, as a list of words.
tags: Used to keep the index of the document in the entire dataset.
split: one of train, test or extra. Determines how the document will be used (for training, testing, etc).
sentiment: either 1 (positive), 0 (negative) or None (unlabeled document).

How to Compare LDA Models



