

pip install ruff


To run Ruff as a linter, try any of the following:

ruff check                          # Lint all files in the current directory (and any subdirectories).
ruff check path/to/code/            # Lint all files in `/path/to/code` (and any subdirectories).
ruff check path/to/code/*.py        # Lint all `.py` files in `/path/to/code`.
ruff check path/to/code/to/  # Lint ``.
ruff check @arguments.txt           # Lint using an input file, treating its contents as newline-delimited command-line arguments.

To run Ruff as a formatter:

ruff format                          # Format all files in the current directory (and any subdirectories).
ruff format path/to/code/            # Format all files in `/path/to/code` (and any subdirectories).
ruff format path/to/code/*.py        # Format all `.py` files in `/path/to/code`.
ruff format path/to/code/to/  # Format ``.
ruff format @arguments.txt           # Format using an input file, treating its contents as newline-delimited command-line arguments.

Ruff can also be used as a pre-commit hook via ruff-pre-commit:

- repo:
  # Ruff version.
  rev: v0.4.4
    # Run the linter.
    - id: ruff
      args: [ --fix ]
    # Run the formatter.
    - id: ruff-format