3.1.6. spec [1]



Boolean types
String types
Array types
Slice types
Struct types
Pointer types
Function types
Interface types
Map types
Channel types
Numeric types

Numeric types:

uint8       the set of all unsigned  8-bit integers (0 to 255)
uint16      the set of all unsigned 16-bit integers (0 to 65535)
uint32      the set of all unsigned 32-bit integers (0 to 4294967295)
uint64      the set of all unsigned 64-bit integers (0 to 18446744073709551615)

int8        the set of all signed  8-bit integers (-128 to 127)
int16       the set of all signed 16-bit integers (-32768 to 32767)
int32       the set of all signed 32-bit integers (-2147483648 to 2147483647)
int64       the set of all signed 64-bit integers (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807)

float32     the set of all IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point numbers
float64     the set of all IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers

complex64   the set of all complex numbers with float32 real and imaginary parts
complex128  the set of all complex numbers with float64 real and imaginary parts

byte        alias for uint8
rune        alias for int32

uint     either 32 or 64 bits
int      same size as uint
uintptr  an unsigned integer large enough to store the uninterpreted bits of a pointer value


x     x / 4     x % 4     x >> 2     x & 3
 11      2         3         2          3
-11     -2        -3        -3          1


==    equal
!=    not equal
<     less
<=    less or equal
>     greater
>=    greater or equal


const (
  c0 = iota  // c0 == 0
  c1 = iota  // c1 == 1
  c2 = iota  // c2 == 2

const (
  a = 1 << iota  // a == 1  (iota == 0)
  b = 1 << iota  // b == 2  (iota == 1)
  c = 3          // c == 3  (iota == 2, unused)
  d = 1 << iota  // d == 8  (iota == 3)

const (
  u         = iota * 42  // u == 0     (untyped integer constant)
  v float64 = iota * 42  // v == 42.0  (float64 constant)
  w         = iota * 42  // w == 84    (untyped integer constant)

const x = iota  // x == 0
const y = iota  // y == 0

const (
  bit0, mask0 = 1 << iota, 1<<iota - 1  // bit0 == 1, mask0 == 0  (iota == 0)
  bit1, mask1                           // bit1 == 2, mask1 == 1  (iota == 1)
  _, _                                  //                        (iota == 2, unused)
  bit3, mask3                           // bit3 == 8, mask3 == 7  (iota == 3)


*Point(p)        // same as *(Point(p))
(*Point)(p)      // p is converted to *Point
<-chan int(c)    // same as <-(chan int(c))
(<-chan int)(c)  // c is converted to <-chan int
func()(x)        // function signature func() x
(func())(x)      // x is converted to func()
(func() int)(x)  // x is converted to func() int
func() int(x)    // x is converted to func() int (unambiguous)


uint(iota)               // iota value of type uint
float32(2.718281828)     // 2.718281828 of type float32
complex128(1)            // 1.0 + 0.0i of type complex128
float32(0.49999999)      // 0.5 of type float32
float64(-1e-1000)        // 0.0 of type float64
string('x')              // "x" of type string
string(0x266c)           // "♬" of type string
MyString("foo" + "bar")  // "foobar" of type MyString
string([]byte{'a'})      // not a constant: []byte{'a'} is not a constant
(*int)(nil)              // not a constant: nil is not a constant, *int is not a boolean, numeric, or string type
int(1.2)                 // illegal: 1.2 cannot be represented as an int
string(65.0)             // illegal: 65.0 is not an integer constant


1. 有效unicode会转化成串, 无效unicode会转化为\uFFFD
string('a')       // "a"
string(-1)        // "\ufffd" == "\xef\xbf\xbd"
string(0xf8)      // "\u00f8" == "ø" == "\xc3\xb8"
type MyString string
MyString(0x65e5)  // "\u65e5" == "日" == "\xe6\x97\xa5"

2. []byte -> string
string([]byte{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', '\xc3', '\xb8'})   // "hellø"
string([]byte{})                                     // ""
string([]byte(nil))                                  // ""
type MyBytes []byte
string(MyBytes{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', '\xc3', '\xb8'})  // "hellø"

3. []runes -> string
string([]rune{0x767d, 0x9d6c, 0x7fd4})   // "\u767d\u9d6c\u7fd4" == "白鵬翔"
string([]rune{})                         // ""
string([]rune(nil))                      // ""

type MyRunes []rune
string(MyRunes{0x767d, 0x9d6c, 0x7fd4})  // "\u767d\u9d6c\u7fd4" == "白鵬翔"

4. string -> []byte
[]byte("hellø")   // []byte{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', '\xc3', '\xb8'}
[]byte("")        // []byte{}
MyBytes("hellø")  // []byte{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', '\xc3', '\xb8'}

5. string -> []runes
[]rune(MyString("白鵬翔"))  // []rune{0x767d, 0x9d6c, 0x7fd4}
[]rune("")                 // []rune{}
MyRunes("白鵬翔")           // []rune{0x767d, 0x9d6c, 0x7fd4}


const a = 2 + 3.0          // a == 5.0   (untyped floating-point constant)
const b = 15 / 4           // b == 3     (untyped integer constant)
const c = 15 / 4.0         // c == 3.75  (untyped floating-point constant)
const Θ float64 = 3/2      // Θ == 1.0   (type float64, 3/2 is integer division)
const Π float64 = 3/2.     // Π == 1.5   (type float64, 3/2. is float division)
const d = 1 << 3.0         // d == 8     (untyped integer constant)
const e = 1.0 << 3         // e == 8     (untyped integer constant)
const f = int32(1) << 33   // illegal    (constant 8589934592 overflows int32)
const g = float64(2) >> 1  // illegal    (float64(2) is a typed floating-point constant)
const h = "foo" > "bar"    // h == true  (untyped boolean constant)
const j = true             // j == true  (untyped boolean constant)
const k = 'w' + 1          // k == 'x'   (untyped rune constant)
const l = "hi"             // l == "hi"  (untyped string constant)
const m = string(k)        // m == "x"   (type string)
const Σ = 1 - 0.707i       //            (untyped complex constant)
const Δ = Σ + 2.0e-4       //            (untyped complex constant)
const Φ = iota*1i - 1/1i   //            (untyped complex constant)


Terminating statements:


Empty statements:

The empty statement does nothing.

Labeled statements:

A labeled statement may be the target of a goto, break or continue statement.

Expression statements:

len("foo")  // illegal if len is the built-in function

Send statements:

ch <- 3  // send value 3 to channel ch

IncDec statements:

x++                 x += 1
x--                 x -= 1


x = 1
*p = f()
a[i] = 23
(k) = <-ch  // same as: k = <-ch

If statements:

if x > max {
  x = max

Switch statements:

1. Expression switches
switch tag {
default: s3()
case 0, 1, 2, 3: s1()
case 4, 5, 6, 7: s2()

2. Type switches
switch i := x.(type) {
case nil:
  printString("x is nil")                // type of i is type of x (interface{})
case int:
  printInt(i)                            // type of i is int
case float64:
  printFloat64(i)                        // type of i is float64
case func(int) float64:
  printFunction(i)                       // type of i is func(int) float64
case bool, string:
  printString("type is bool or string")  // type of i is type of x (interface{})
  printString("don't know the type")     // type of i is type of x (interface{})

For statements:

1. For statements with single condition
for a < b {
  a *= 2

2. For statements with for clause
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {

3. For statements with range clause
for i, _ := range testdata.a {

Go statements:

go Server()
go func(ch chan<- bool) { for { sleep(10); ch <- true }} (c)

Select statements:

select {
case i1 = <-c1:
  print("received ", i1, " from c1\n")
case c2 <- i2:
  print("sent ", i2, " to c2\n")

for {  // send random sequence of bits to c
  select {
  case c <- 0:  // note: no statement, no fallthrough, no folding of cases
  case c <- 1:

Return statements:

func noResult() {

Break statements:

  for i = 0; i < n; i++ {
    for j = 0; j < m; j++ {
      switch a[i][j] {
      case nil:
        state = Error
        break OuterLoop
      case item:
        state = Found
        break OuterLoop

Continue statements:

  for y, row := range rows {
    for x, data := range row {
      if data == endOfRow {
        continue RowLoop
      row[x] = data + bias(x, y)

Goto statements:

  goto L  // BAD(跳过了v的定义)
  v := 3

Fallthrough statements:


Defer statements:

defer unlock(l)  // unlocking happens before surrounding function returns

// prints 3 2 1 0 before surrounding function returns
for i := 0; i <= 3; i++ {
  defer fmt.Print(i)

// f returns 42
func f() (result int) {
  defer func() {
    // result is accessed after it was set to 6 by the return statement
    result *= 7
  return 6

Built-in functions


var c chan

Length and capacity:

len(s)    string type      string length in bytes
          [n]T, *[n]T      array length (== n)
          []T              slice length
          map[K]T          map length (number of defined keys)
          chan T           number of elements queued in channel buffer

cap(s)    [n]T, *[n]T      array length (== n)
          []T              slice capacity
          chan T           channel buffer capacity

0 <= len(s) <= cap(s)


type S struct { a int; b float64 }

Making slices, maps and channels:

make(T, n)       slice      slice of type T with length n and capacity n
make(T, n, m)    slice      slice of type T with length n and capacity m

make(T)          map        map of type T
make(T, n)       map        map of type T with initial space for approximately n elements

make(T)          channel    unbuffered channel of type T
make(T, n)       channel    buffered channel of type T, buffer size n

s := make([]int, 10, 100)       // slice with len(s) == 10, cap(s) == 100
s := make([]int, 1e3)           // slice with len(s) == cap(s) == 1000
s := make([]int, 1<<63)         // illegal: len(s) is not representable by a value of type int
s := make([]int, 10, 0)         // illegal: len(s) > cap(s)
c := make(chan int, 10)         // channel with a buffer size of 10
m := make(map[string]int, 100)  // map with initial space for approximately 100 elements


append(s S, x ...T) S  // T is the element type of S

s0 := []int{0, 0}
// append a single element     s1 == []int{0, 0, 2}
s1 := append(s0, 2)
// append multiple elements    s2 == []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7}
s2 := append(s1, 3, 5, 7)
// append a slice              s3 == []int{0, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0}
s3 := append(s2, s0...)
// append overlapping slice    s4 == []int{3, 5, 7, 2, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0}
s4 := append(s3[3:6], s3[2:]...)

var t []interface{}
t = append(t, 42, 3.1415, "foo")   //  t == []interface{}{42, 3.1415, "foo"}

var b []byte
b = append(b, "bar"...)        // append string contents      b == []byte{'b', 'a', 'r' }


var a = [...]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
var s = make([]int, 6)
var b = make([]byte, 5)
n1 := copy(s, a[0:])            // n1 == 6, s == []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
n2 := copy(s, s[2:])            // n2 == 4, s == []int{2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5}
n3 := copy(b, "Hello, World!")  // n3 == 5, b == []byte("Hello")

Deletion of map elements:

delete(m, k)  // remove element m[k] from map m

complex number:

complex(realPart, imaginaryPart floatT) complexT
real(complexT) floatT
imag(complexT) floatT


func panic(interface{})
func recover() interface{}