
5, 所有有关請求的方法都被集成到wrq模块里了!其实wrq模块就是处理mochiweb_request和mochiweb_response对象的API,下面具体说下它对应的方法:

5.1 client請求的 http method

method(rd())-> 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE'

5.2 client請求的http版本,一般是 {1, 1} 即http version 1.1

version(rd())-> {integer(), integer()}

5.3 client的IP地址

peer(rd()): string()

5.4 这个方法是三个路径方法之一,剩下两个就是下面俩. 这个方法前面介绍过(Dispatching部分)!它的意思是指前面dispatching匹配完成之后,剩下的部分!dispatching改变,它也跟着变化:

disp_path(rd())-> string()

5.5 这个方法是得到URI中host:port之后,但不包括query字符串的部分

path(rd): string()

5.6 得到全部的請求URI

raw_path(rd()): string()

5.7 得到在dispatching配置{pathspec, resource, args} 中, pathspec中对应atom格式对应的值:

path_info(atom(), rd())->'undefined', string()

5.8 得到在dispatching配置{pathspec, resource, args} 中, pathspec中对应atom格式对就的所有值:

path_info(atom()) ->any()

5.9 得到把disp_path(rd())所出数据按”/”split后的列表:

path_tokens(rd()) ->list()

5.10 查询incoming request header的值:

get_req_header(string(), rd()) ->'undefined', string()

5.11 得到incoming HTTP headers:

req_headers(rd()) ->mochiheaders()

5.12 得到incoming request body:

req_body(rd()) ->'undeinfed', binary()

5.13 以streamed格式返回incoming request body,最大不能超过integer()参数对应的值:

stream_req_body(rd(), integer()) ->streambody()

5.14 得到对应cookie的值:

get_cookie_value(string(), rd()) ->string()

5.15 得到所有cookie的值:

req_cookie(rd()) -> string()

5.16 得到根据key得到query string中value的值:

get_qs_value(string(), rd()) ->'undefined', string()

5.17 和上面函数一样, 不过它的第二个参数是当得值为’undefined’时的默认值:

get_qs_value(string(), string(), rd()) ->string()

5.18 得到query string的key/value列表:

req_qs(rd()) ->[string(), string()].

5.19 Look up the current value of an outgoing request header

get_resp_header(string(), rd()) ->string()

5.20 the last value passed to do_redirect, false otherwise – if true, then some responses will be 303 instead of 2xx where applicable:

resp_redirect(rd()) ->bool()

5.21 The outgoing HTTP headers. 和get_resp_header/2对应:

resp_header(rd()) ->mochiheaders()

5.22 The outgoing response body, if one has been set. Usually, append_to_response_body is the best way to set this:

resp_body(rd()) ->'undefined', binary()

5.23 Indicates the “height” above the requested URI that this resource is dispatched from. Typical values are “.” , “..” , “../..” and so on:

app_root(rd()) ->string()
6, Requst Modification functions

6.1 Given a header name and value, set an outgoing request header to that value:

set_req_header(string(), string(), rd()) ->rd()

6.2 Append the given value to the body of the outgoing response:

append_to_response_body(binary(), rd()) ->rd()

6.3 see resp_redirect/1, this function is to set that value:

do_redirect(bool(), rd()) ->rd()

6.4 the disp_path is the only path that can be changed during the request. This function will do it

set_disp_path(string(), rd()) ->rd()

6.5 Replace the incoming request body with this for the rest of the processing

set_req_body(binary(), rd()) -> rd()

6.6 set the outgoing response body to this value:

set_resp_body(binary(), rd()) ->rd()

6.7 use this streamed body to produce the outgoing response body on demand:

set_resp_body(streambody(), rd()) ->rd()

6.8 Given a list of two-tuples of {headername, value}, set those outgoing response headers

set_resp_headers([{string(), string()}, rd()] -> rd()

6.9 Removed the named outgoing response header

remove_resp_header(string(), rd()) -> rd()