v3.3 [1]¶
Metrics, Monitoring¶
See List of metrics for all metrics per release.
Note that any etcd_debugging_* metrics are experimental and subject to change.
Add etcd_cluster_version Prometheus metric.
Add etcd_debugging_mvcc_total_put_size_in_bytes Prometheus metric.
Fix wait purge file loop during shutdown.:
Previously, during shutdown etcd could accidentally remove needed wal files,
resulting in catastrophic error 「etcdserver: open wal error: wal: file not found.」 during startup.
Now, etcd makes sure the purge file loop exits before server signals stop of the raft node.
v3.3.14 (2019-08-16)¶
Breaking Changes:
Rewrite client balancer with new gRPC balancer interface.
Require Go 1.12+.
Migrate dependency management tool from glide to Go module.
Add watch_id field to etcdserverpb.WatchCreateRequest to allow user-provided watch ID to mvcc.
Add fragment field to etcdserverpb.WatchCreateRequest to request etcd server to split watch events
Add WatchRequest.WatchProgressRequest.
Require Go 1.12+.
v3.3.0 (2018-02-01)¶
Use coreos/bbolt to replace boltdb/bolt.
Upgrade boltdb/bolt from v1.3.0 to coreos/bbolt v1.3.1-coreos.6.
Upgrade google.golang.org/grpc from v1.2.1 to v1.7.5.
Upgrade github.com/ugorji/go/codec to v1.1, and regenerate v2 client.
Upgrade github.com/ugorji/go/codec to ugorji/go@54210f4e0, and regenerate v2 client.
Upgrade github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway from v1.2.2 to v1.3.0.
Upgrade golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt to golang/crypto@6c586e17d.
Security, Authentication:
Add CRL based connection rejection to manage revoked certs.
Document TLS authentication changes.
Add etcd --peer-cert-allowed-cn flag.
Protect lease revoke with auth.
Provide user's role on auth permission error.
Fix auth store panic with disabled token.
Support ranges in transaction comparisons for disconnected linearized reads.
Add nested transactions to extend proxy use cases.
Add lease comparison target in transaction.
Add lease list.
Add hash by revision for better corruption checking against boltdb.
Require Go 1.9+.
Compile with Go 1.9.3.
Deprecate golang.org/x/net/context.