



1.1.6. git config命令

git config:

$ git config --global user.name "Scott Chacon"
$ git config --global user.email "schacon@gmail.com"
$ git config --global core.editor 'emacs'
$ git config core.ignorecase false //不忽略文件名的大小写
$ git config core.filemode false //忽略权限修改

git commit --amend --author='Your Name <you@example.com>'

// 查看设置:
git config user.name

$git config branch.master.remote origin


// 1. /etc/gitconfig
// 2. ~/.gitconfig
// 3. .git/config'

    name = Gordon
    email = zhaoweiguo@maxvox.com.cn
    editor = emac



# Core variables
  ; Don't trust file modes
  filemode = false

# Our diff algorithm
  external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper
  renames = true

[branch "devel"]
  remote = origin
  merge = refs/heads/devel

# Proxy settings
  gitProxy="ssh" for "kernel.org"
  gitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest

  path = /path/to/foo.inc ; include by absolute path
  path = foo.inc ; find "foo.inc" relative to the current file
  path = ~/foo.inc ; find "foo.inc" in your `$HOME` directory

Conditional includes


有两个代码托管平台: gitlab.com 和 github.com,我想使用 gitlab.com 平台上的仓库时 user.name=name1, 使用 github.com 平台上的仓库时 user.name=name2,每个平台都有很多个仓库, 我想只设置一次,应该怎么办?


从 git 2.13.0 开始,git 配置文件开始支持 Conditional Includes 的配置。通过设置 includeIf.<condition>.path,可以向命中 condition 的 git 仓库引入 path 指向的一个 git 配置文件中配置。


从 git 2.36.0 开始, 才开始支持 hasconfig:remote.*.url:<data> 这种类别

[includeIf] 的语法:

[includeIf "<keyword>:<data>"]
    path = path/to/gitconfig

    1. gitdir:<data>
        <data> is used as a glob pattern
        a. If the pattern starts with ~/
            ~ will be substituted with the content of the environment variable HOME.
        b. If the pattern starts with ./
            it is replaced with the directory containing the current config file.
        c. If the pattern does not start with either ~/, ./ or /
            **/ will be automatically prepended.
            For example, the pattern foo/bar becomes **/foo/bar and would match /any/path/to/foo/bar.
        d. If the pattern ends with /
            ** will be automatically added.
            For example, the pattern foo/ becomes foo/**.
            In other words, it matches "foo" and everything inside, recursively.

    2. gitdir/i:<data>
        the same as gitdir except that matching is done case-insensitively

    3. onbranch:<data>
        <data> patterns with standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, **/ and /**, that can match multiple path components.

    4. hasconfig:remote.*.url:<data>
        <data> patterns with standard globbing wildcards and two additional ones, **/ and /**, that can match multiple path components.
            remote.*.url 中的 * 是通配符,表示匹配任意远程仓库的名称
                例如,remote.origin.url 或 remote.upstream.url


[includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:**://gitlab.com/**"]
      path = .gitconfig_gitlab
[includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:**://github.com/**"]
      path = .gitconfig_github

>>> cat .gitconfig_gitlab
    name = zhaoweiguo
    email = zhaoweiguo@gitlab.com
>>> cat .gitconfig_github
    name = zhaoweiguo
    email = zhaoweiguo@github.com


; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git
[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git"]
  path = /path/to/foo.inc

; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group
[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"]
  path = /path/to/foo.inc

; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group
[includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"]
  path = /path/to/foo.inc

; relative paths are always relative to the including
; file (if the condition is true); their location is not
; affected by the condition
[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"]
  path = foo.inc

; include only if we are in a worktree where foo-branch is
; currently checked out
[includeIf "onbranch:foo-branch"]
  path = foo.inc

; include only if a remote with the given URL exists (note
; that such a URL may be provided later in a file or in a
; file read after this file is read, as seen in this example)
[includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:https://example.com/**"]
  path = foo.inc
[remote "origin"]
  url = https://example.com/git



