





Local directory

$ restic -r /path/to/restic init

REST Server

set up a remote REST server instance:

参见: https://github.com/restic/rest-server


restic -r rest:http://host:8000/ init

restic -r rest:https://host:8000/ init
restic -r rest:https://user:pass@host:8000/ init
restic -r rest:https://user:pass@host:8000/my_backup_repo/ init




Available Commands:

backup        Create a new backup of files and/or directories
cache         Operate on local cache directories
cat           Print internal objects to stdout
check         Check the repository for errors
copy          Copy snapshots from one repository to another
diff          Show differences between two snapshots
dump          Print a backed-up file to stdout
find          Find a file, a directory or restic IDs
forget        Remove snapshots from the repository
generate      Generate manual pages and auto-completion files (bash, fish, zsh, powershell)
help          Help about any command
init          Initialize a new repository
key           Manage keys (passwords)
list          List objects in the repository
ls            List files in a snapshot
migrate       Apply migrations
mount         Mount the repository
prune         Remove unneeded data from the repository
recover       Recover data from the repository not referenced by snapshots
repair        Repair the repository
restore       Extract the data from a snapshot
rewrite       Rewrite snapshots to exclude unwanted files
self-update   Update the restic binary
snapshots     List all snapshots
stats         Scan the repository and show basic statistics
tag           Modify tags on snapshots
unlock        Remove locks other processes created
version       Print version information

Backing up

$ restic -r /srv/restic-repo --verbose backup ~/work
open repository
enter password for repository:
password is correct
lock repository
load index files
start scan
start backup
scan finished in 1.837s
processed 1.720 GiB in 0:12
Files:        5307 new,     0 changed,     0 unmodified
Dirs:         1867 new,     0 changed,     0 unmodified
Added:      1.200 GiB
snapshot 40dc1520 saved

Listing all snapshots

list all the snapshots stored in the repository:

$ restic -r /srv/restic-repo snapshots

$ restic -r  rest:http://restic.zhaoweiguo.com/repos snapshots
$ restic -r /srv/restic-repo snapshots
enter password for repository:
ID        Date                 Host    Tags   Directory
40dc1520  2015-05-08 21:38:30  kasimir        /home/user/work
79766175  2015-05-08 21:40:19  kasimir        /home/user/work
bdbd3439  2015-05-08 21:45:17  luigi          /home/art
590c8fc8  2015-05-08 21:47:38  kazik          /srv
9f0bc19e  2015-05-08 21:46:11  luigi          /srv

filter the listing by directory path:

restic -r /srv/restic-repo snapshots --path="/srv"
enter password for repository:
ID        Date                 Host    Tags   Directory
590c8fc8  2015-05-08 21:47:38  kazik          /srv
9f0bc19e  2015-05-08 21:46:11  luigi          /srv

Copying snapshots between repositories

transfer snapshots between two repositories:

$ restic -r /srv/restic-repo-copy copy --from-repo /srv/restic-repo
repository d6504c63 opened successfully, password is correct
repository 3dd0878c opened successfully, password is correct

snapshot 410b18a2 of [/home/user/work] at 2020-06-09 23:15:57.305305 +0200 CEST)
  copy started, this may take a while...
snapshot 7a746a07 saved

snapshot 4e5d5487 of [/home/user/work] at 2020-05-01 22:44:07.012113 +0200 CEST)
skipping snapshot 4e5d5487, was already copied to snapshot 50eb62b7

Removing files from snapshots

remove the unwanted files from affected snapshots by rewriting them using the rewrite command:

$ restic -r /srv/restic-repo rewrite --exclude secret-file
repository c881945a opened (repository version 2) successfully, password is correct

snapshot 6160ddb2 of [/home/user/work] at 2022-06-12 16:01:28.406630608 +0200 CEST)
excluding /home/user/work/secret-file
saved new snapshot b6aee1ff

snapshot 4fbaf325 of [/home/user/work] at 2022-05-01 11:22:26.500093107 +0200 CEST)

modified 1 snapshots

$ restic -r /srv/restic-repo rewrite --exclude secret-file 6160ddb2
repository c881945a opened (repository version 2) successfully, password is correct

snapshot 6160ddb2 of [/home/user/work] at 2022-06-12 16:01:28.406630608 +0200 CEST)
excluding /home/user/work/secret-file
new snapshot saved as b6aee1ff

modified 1 snapshots



