




Install from a package manager

Install on macOS via Homebrew:

$ brew tap ethereum/ethereum
$ brew install ethereum

// 安装master开发分支
$ brew install ethereum --devel

注: 以下命令会被保存在/usr/local/bin/目录中:
abigen, bootnode, checkpoint-admin, clef, devp2p, ethkey, evm,
faucet, geth, p2psim, puppeth, rlpdump, and wnode

Install on Ubuntu via PPAs:

1. To enable our launchpad repository run:
$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum

2. Then install the stable version of go-ethereum:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ethereum

Or the develop version via:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ethereum-unstable

Download standalone bundle [1]


1. Geth 1.9.9: 只有geth命令
2. Geth & Tools 1.9.9: 有geth命令和abigen, bootnode...等命令

Run inside Docker container


1. 只有geth命令
ethereum/client-go:latest is the latest development version of Geth (default)
ethereum/client-go:stable is the latest stable version of Geth
ethereum/client-go:{version} is the stable version of Geth at a specific version number
ethereum/client-go:release-{version} is the latest stable version of Geth at a specific version family

2. 全部相关命令
ethereum/client-go:alltools-latest is the latest development version of the Ethereum tools
ethereum/client-go:alltools-stable is the latest stable version of the Ethereum tools
ethereum/client-go:alltools-{version} is the stable version of the Ethereum tools at a specific version number
ethereum/client-go:alltools-release-{version} is the latest stable version of the Ethereum tools at a specific version family


$ docker pull ethereum/client-go
$ docker run -it -p 30303:30303 ethereum/client-go
注: 应该挂载磁盘保证数据不丢失
$ docker run -v /data/xxx:/root/.ethereum -it -p 30303:30303 ethereum/client-go

The image has the following ports automatically exposed:

8545 TCP, used by the HTTP based JSON RPC API
8546 TCP, used by the WebSocket based JSON RPC API
8547 TCP, used by the GraphQL API
30303 TCP and UDP, used by the P2P protocol running the network

Build go-ethereum from source code

Most Linux systems and macOS:

$ go get -d github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
$ go install github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/cmd/geth

Building without a Go workflow:

git clone https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum.git
cd go-ethereum
make geth

: geth executable file in the go-ethereum/build/bin

Backup & Restore

Data Directory:

   // The default data directory locations are platform specific:
   Mac: ~/Library/Ethereum
   Linux: ~/.ethereum
   Windows: %APPDATA%\Ethereum

`ethash dag <https://geth.ethereum.org/docs/interface/mining>`_ is stored at::

   ~/.ethash (Mac/Linux)
   %APPDATA%\Ethash (Windows)


$ geth removedb

Blockchain Import/Export:

$ geth export <filename>
$ geth import <filename>

指定起止block, 如:back up the first epoch
$ geth export <filename> 0 29999



