






OpenTelemetry 只是做了数据规范、SDK、采集的事情,
对于 Backend、Visual、Alert 等并不涉及,
    用 Prometheus 去做 Metrics 的 Backend
    用 Jaeger 去做 Tracing 的 Backend


终极目标:OpenTelemetry 的终态就是实现 Metrics、Tracing、Logging 的融合,作为 CNCF 可观察性的终极解决方案。

step-by-step guide to making the process easier:

1. Communication between collectors, and different back ends through exporters.
2. For the collector to aggregate, batch, and process
    according to the collection’s configuration.
3. Then the collector and the exporter exchange data in the form of telemetry,
    which is usually sent as an in-process.
4. The next step is the need for processing extensions,
    which can be added by SDK and allows for effects
    such as filtering, samplings, and enrichments.
    Sometimes, it’s possible to replace the SDK with an alternative.

Components of OpenTelemetry:

1. APIs:
    APIs are a core element to OpenTelemetry
        that are specific to the coding language of the program itself.
    These are some of the foundations of the program.
2. The SDK:
    This component is also unique to each coding language.
    It focuses on building the gap between exported elements and the APIs.
    The SDK also allows other features like transaction sampling and filtering,
        making them ideal in OpenTelemetry.
3. The In-Process Exporter:
    This is needed to determine where you want your telemetry sent.
    This exporter allows you to easily decouple your code
        from the back-end configuration,
        making it easy to alternate back ends without having to re-instrument your code.
4. The Collector:
    This function in telemetry is optional,
        but a very useful component of OpenTelemetry
            because it allows for flexibility
            in the sending and receiving of application telemetry to the back ends.
        There are two models of deployment of the collector.
        The first is the agent that uses the same host with the application,
        The second is a standalone process
            which is separate and doesn’t use the same host with the application.



