常用 #### 2 --- 2FA: Two-Factor Authentication(两步验证, security, MFA, SFA, 安全) 3 --- * 3GPP: 3rd Generation Partnership Project,也就是第三代合作伙伴计划 5 --- * 5G NR: 5G New Radio A ---- * A2DP: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile(高级音频分发框架) * AAA: Authentication, Authorization and Accounting(, protocol) * ABE: Attribute-Based Encryption(基于属性加密, security, 安全) * ABI: Application Binary Interface(应用程序二进制接口) * ABNF: Augmented Backus-Naur Form(增强型巴科斯-诺尔范式, 元语言,用于描述上下文无关文法) * AC: Wireless AccessPoint Controller(接入控制器, AP) * ACID: 原子性(Atomicity),一致性(Consistency),隔离性(Isolation),持久性(Durability).与BASE对应 * ACL: Anti-Corruption Layer(防腐层) * ACL: Access Control List(, 权限相关) * ADB: Android Debug Bridge * ADP: Acyclic Dependencies Principle(无环依赖原则, design-principle) * ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line(非对称数字用户线路) * ADT: Android Development Tools * AE: Authenticated Encryption(可认证的加密, 安全, security) * AEAD: Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data(带关联的认证加密, 安全, security) * AES: Advanced Encryption Standard(, 安全, security) * AF: Address Family(, sokcet) * AGI: Artificial General Intelligence(人工通用智能) * AGV: Automated Guided Vehicle(自动导引运输车) * AI: Artificial Intelligence * ALPN: Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation(, TLS, protocol) * ALSA: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture * ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit(算术逻辑单元, 组成原理) * AMI: Amazon Machine Images * AMQP: Advanced Message Queuing Protocol(protocol) * ANN: Artificial Neural Network(人工神经网络, ai) * ANSI: American National Standards Institute * ANTLR: ANother Tool for Language Recognition(是基于LL算法实现的语法解析器生成器) * AOF: Append Only File * AOP: Aspect Oriented Programming(面向切面编程) * AOT: Ahead of time(提前编译, compiler, JIT) * AP: Wireless Access Point(访问接入点, AC) * API: Application Programming Interface(应用程序接口) * APM: Application Performance Monitoring * AQI: Air Quality Index(空气质量指数) * AR: Augmented Reality(AR/VR, 增强现实) * ARC: Automatic Reference Counting(自动引用计数, GC) * ARCI: Accountable, Responsible, Consulted, Informed(当责者,负责者,事先咨询者,事后被告知者, 模型, model) * ARIES: Algorithms for Recovery and Isolation Exploiting Semantics(基于语义的恢复与隔离算法, transaction) * ARM: Advanced RISC Machines(进阶精简指令集机, 组成原理) * ARM: Acorn RISC Machines(早期名, 组成原理) * ARP: Address Resolution Protocol(地址解析协议, network-protocol) * ART: Android RunTime * ARTS: Algorithm, Review, Tip, Share * ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange(美国信息交换标准代码) * ASDL: Abstract Syntax Definition Language(抽象语法定义语言) * ASIC: Application-Specific Integrated Circuit(专用集成电路, 组成原理) * ASM: Any-Specific Multicast(, SSM, IP Multicast) * ASN.1: Abstract Syntax Notation One(ASN.1 抽象语法标记) * ASR: Automatic Speech Recognition(自动语音识别, TTS) * AST: Abstract Syntax Tree(抽象语法树, CST) * AVX: Advanced Vector Extension(高级矢量扩展, SSID) * AWL: Academic Word List(学术词汇, english) B ---- * BaaS: Backend as a Service,后端即服务 * BaaS: Blockchain as a Service * BART: Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transformers(双向自回归Transformers, BERT) * BASE: 基本可用(Basically Available),软状态(Soft State),最终一致性(Eventual Consistency).与ACID对应 * BCC: BPF Compiler Collection * BCD: Binary-Coded Decimal(用二进制表示十进制,定点数) * BCP: Best Current Practices(, rfc) * BDD: Behavior-Driven Development(行为驱动开发) * BERT: Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers(双向Transformer的Encoder, BART) * BFF: Backend For Frontend * BFS: Breadth-First-Search(广度优先搜索, algorithm) * BGP: Border Gateway Protocol(边界网关协议, network-protocol, IGP) * BI: Business Intelligence * BIF: Built-In Function(内置函数, erlang, NIF) * BiLSTM: Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory(双向长短时记忆, ai) * BIOS: Basic Input and Output System(基本输入输出系统, 组成原理) * BJP: Bonjour Printing Specification * BLAS: basic linear algebra subroutine(基本线性代数运算, ml, 向量) * BLE: Bluetooth Low Energy(低功耗蓝牙, Bluetooth 4.0/4.1/4.2 的统称) * Blob: Binary Large Object(, js) * BNF: Backus-Naur Form(巴科斯范式, 形式化的语法表示方法) * BOM: Byte Order Mark(字节顺序标记, Unicode编码标准中用于标识文件是采用哪种格式的编码) * BPF: Berkeley Packet Filter(柏克莱封包过滤器) * BPF: BSD Packet Filter(BSD 分组过滤器) * BPS: bit per second * BRE: Basic Regular Expression(基本正则表达式, regexp) * BS: Bachelor of Science(理学学士) * BSD: Berkeley Software Distribution (伯克利软件套件) C ---- * CA: Certificate Authority/Certification Authority * CAAS: Communications-as-a-Service(容器即服务) * CAAS: Containers-as-a-Service(容器即服务) * CAP: Consistency Availability Partition-tolerance(distributed system) * CARP: Composition/Aggregation Reuse Principle(组合 / 聚合复用原则, design-principle) * CART: Classification and Regression Trees(分类和回归树, ai) * CAS: compare-and-set * CAS: Compare And Swap(比较和交换) * CASE: Certificate Authenticated Session Establishment(, matter) * CBA: Cell-Based Architecture, 基于单元格的架构(对应MSA) * CBC: Cipher Block Chaining(, 安全, security) * CD: continuous deployment(持续部署) * CDC: Consumer Driven Contract(消费者驱动契约, testing) * CDC: Change Data Capture(增量的数据更新) * CDN: Content Delivery Network 或 Content Distribution Network * CE: Community Edition(社区版), 如:Docker社区版(CE), Docker企业版(EE) * CE: Continuous Exploration(持续探索) * CEN: Cloud Enterprise Network(云企业网络,阿里) * CFG: Control Flow Graph(控制流图) * CFG: Context-free Gammar(上下文无关文法, compiler) * CFG: Classifier Free Guidance(无分类器引导, ai绘画) * CFS: Completely Fair Scheduler(完全公平调度器) * CFS: Completely Fair Scheduling(完全公平调度) * CGI: Common Gateway Interface(通用网关接口) * CHIP: Connected Home Over IP(, iot, ZigBee联盟工作组, 更名Matter) * CI: Continuous integration(持续集成) * CIDR: Classless Inter-Domain Routing(无类型域间路由) * CISC: Complex Instruction Set Computer(复杂指令集, RISC, 组成原理) * CLA: Contributor License Agreement(贡献者许可协议) * CLIP: Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training(, LLM, ai) * CLUE: The Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation(中文语言理解测评基准, ai, 基准数据) * CML: Concurrent Mapping and Localization(即时定位与地图构建/并发建图与定位, SLAM) * CNN: Convolutional Neural Network, convnet(卷积神经网络, AI) * CoAP: Constrained Application Protocol(protocol) * COMD: Complexity-Oriented & Multi-Dimension Capability Model(面向复杂度的多维度能力模型) * CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing(跨源资源共享, HTTP, 安全, vulnerability, security) * COTS: Commercial Off-The-Shelf(“商用现成品或技术” 或者 “商用货架产品”) * CPC: Cycles Per Byte(每字节周期数) * CPI: Cycles Per Instruction(每条指令的平均时钟周期数, 组成原理, IPC) * CPM: Cost Per Mille(千次曝光, ) * CPU: Central Processing Unit(中央处理器) * CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Seperation(命令查询职责分离) * CR: Carriage Return(回车 ``\r``, ascii) * CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check(循环冗余校验, 嵌入式) * CRF: Conditional Random Field(条件随机场, ai) * CRI: Container Runtime Interface(容器运行时接口, k8s) * CRLF: carriage-return line-feed(回车换行) * CRUD: Create、Retrieve、Update、Delete * CSA: Cloud Security Alliance(云安全联盟, 安全组织) * CSA: Connectivity Standards Alliance(连接标准联盟, iot) * CSE: Common Subexpression Elimination(公共子表达式消除, compiler, SSA) * CSI: Client Side Include(, ESI, SSI) * CSMA/CD: Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detection(带冲突检测的载波侦听多路接入) * CSP: Communicating Sequential Processes * CSP: Content Security Policy(网页安全政策, HTTP) * CSR: Certificate Signing Request * CSS: Cascading Style Sheets(层叠样式表) * CSRF: Cross-Site-Request-Forgery(跨站请求伪造, vulnerability) * CST: Concrete Syntax Tree(具体语法树, AST) * CST: Central Standard Time (USA标准时间, time-zone) * CST: Central Standard Time (Australia标准时间, time-zone) * CST: China Standard Time(中国标准时间, time-zone) * CST: Cuba Standard Time(古巴标准时间, time-zone) * CTR: Click Through Rate(点击率) * CV: Computer Vision(计算机视觉) D ---- * DAC: Device Attestation Certificate(, matter) * DAG: Directed Acyclic Graph(有向无环图, PDG) * DAL: Data Application Layer * DAO: Data Access Obejct(数据访问对象) * DASH: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP(, HLS) * DBaaS: Database as a Service * DCL: Data Cached Layer * DCL: Distributed Compliance Ledger(分布式合规数据库, matter) * DDD: Domain-Driver Design, 领域驱动设计 * DDL: Data Definition Language(数据定义语言) * DDoS: Distributed DoS(分布式拒绝服务) * DDR: Double Data Rate(双倍速率, 内存) * DeFi: Decentralized Finance(去中心化金融) * DER: Distinguished Encoding Rules(X.509 ASN.1) * DETR: DEtection TRansformer(, ai, LLM) * DFA: Deterministic finite automaton(确定性有限自动机) * DFS: Depth-First-Search(深度优先搜索, algorithm) * DFX: Design For X(面向产品生命周期各环节设计) * DH: Diffie-Hellman(DH算法, SSL/TLS协议) * DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(动态主机配置协议) * DHT: Distributed Hash Table,分布式哈希表 * DIP: Dependence Inversion Principle(依赖倒置原则, design-principle) * DLL: Dynamic Link Library(动态链接库, windows专用, so) * DLNA: Digital Living Network Alliance(数字生活网络联盟) * DLPI: datalink provider interface(数据链路提供者接口, SVR4) * DMA: Direct Memory Access(直接内存访问, 磁盘) * DMAC: DMA Controller(DMA 控制器, 磁盘) * DML: Data Manipulation Language(数据操纵语言) * DMP: Data Management Platform(数据管理平台) * DNAT: Destination NAT(目的地址转换) * DNN: Deep Neural Network(深度神经网络, AI) * DNS: Domain Name System * DNS-SD: DNS Service Discovery * DO: Domain Object(领域对象, DDD) * DoS: Denial of Service(拒绝服务) * DP: DisplayPort(, DVI 的继任者, 硬件) * DPoS: Delegated Proof of Stake(委托股权证明, blockchain) * DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory(动态随机存取存储器, 组成原理, SRAM) * DRBG: Deterministic Random Bit Generator(确定性的随机数发生器) * DSA: Digital Signature Algorithm(数字签名算法, ECDSA, 加密) * DSAP: Destination Service Access Point(目的服务访问点, 802, SSAP) * DSL: Domain Specific Language(领域特定语言, , 对比 GPPL) * DSP: Digital Signal Processer(数字信号处理, webrtc, 乐鑫ESP-DSP) * DSS: Data Storage Segregation(数据存储隔离) * DST: Daylight Saving Time(夏令时, time-zone) * DTLS: Datagram Transport Layer Security(, TLS) * DTO: Data Transfer Object(数据传输对象, DDD) * DTP: Distributed Transaction Processing(分布式事务处理, transaction) * DTR: Data Transfer Rate(数据传输率) * DVR: Digital Video Recorder(数字视频录像机, NVR) * DWDM: Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing(波分复用, OTN) E ---- * EAI: Enterprise Application Integration(企业应用集成) * EBNF: Extended Backus-Naur Form(扩展巴科斯范式, 本质是正则版的 BNF) * EC: Edge Computing * ECC: Elliptic Curve Cryptography(椭圆曲线密码学, SSL/TLS协议, 安全, security) * ECC memory: Error-Correcting Code memory(纠错内存, 组成原理) * ECDSA: Elliptic Curve DSA(, DSA, 加密) * ECS: Edge Configuration Server, ECS * ECRYPT: European Network of Excellence in Cryptology(, 安全组织) * EDA: Event Driven Architecture(事件驱动架构, SOA) * EIPs: Ethereum Improvement Proposals * ELF: Execuatable and Linkable File Format(可执行与可链接文件格式, 组成原理, PE) * ELK: Elasticsearch、Logstash、Kibana(https://www.elastic.co/cn/) * EMA: Exponential Moving Average(指数移动平均值, math) * eMMC: Embedded Multi Media Card(嵌入式多媒体卡, 存储芯片协议) * ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer(电子数值积分计算机, 第一台电子计算机) * ENS: Edge Node Service(边缘结点服务,阿里) * EOF: End OF File * ERNIE: Enhanced Language Representation with Informative Entities(, OpenSKL, THU, 清华) * ERNIE: Enhanced Representation through kNowledge Integration(, baidu) * ERE: Extended Regular Expression(扩展正则表达式, regexp) * ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning(企业资源计划) * ES: Expert System(专家系统,人工智能相关领域) * ES: Elementary Stream(基流, webrtc) * FSF: Free Software Foundation(自由软件基金会, Stallman) * ESG: Environmental,Social,Governance * ESI: Edge Side Includes(, CSI, SSI) * ESOP: Employee Stock Ownership Plan(员工持股计划) * ESPP: Employee Stock Purchase Plan(员工股票购买计划) * ETL: Extract-Transform-Load(大数据相关) * EVM: Ethereum Virtual Machine(以太坊虚拟机) F ---- * FaaS: Function as a Service * FAQ: frequently asked question(常见问题) * FD: File Descriptor(文件描述符, socket) * FEC: Forward Error Correction(前向纠错, http3) * FIB: Forwarding Information Base(转发信息表, 路由表) * FIFO: First In First Out(先进先出, LIFO) * FLP: Fischer, Lynch and Patterson(3个名字, distributed system) * FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(故障模式与影响分析) * FPGA: Field-Programmable Gate Array(现场可编程门阵列, 组成原理) * FSF: Free Software Foundation(自由软件基金会) * FSA: Finite-state Automaton(有限自动机) * FSM: Finite-State Machine(有限状态机) * FVCN: Future Vertical Communication Network(未来垂直通信网络, NewIP) * FYI: For Your Information(rfc) G ----- * GA: General Availability(正式发布的版本, deploy) * GA: Global Accelerator(全球加速器,阿里) * GAN: Generative Adversarial Network(生成对抗网络, ai) * GAP: Generic Access Profile * GC: Governance Committee(治理委员会, 开源) * GC: Garbage Collection(垃圾收集, ARC) * GCC: GNU Compiler Collection(GNU 编译器套件) * GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation, 通用数据保护条例(欧洲联盟的数据隐私条例) * GE: General Electrical(美国通用电气, 又称奇异公司) * GFW: Great Fire Wall * GGML: Generic GShard Model Layout(, AI大模型文件格式) * GGUF: GGML Unified Format(, AI大模型文件格式) * GIS: Geographic Information System(地理信息系统) * GLUE: General Language Understanding Evaluation(, AI, GLM) * GMT: Greenwich Mean Time(格林威治时间, time-zone) * GMV: Gross Merchandise Volume, 成交总额 * GNU: GNU is Not Unix * GOT: Global Offset Table(全局偏移表, 组成原理, PLT) * GPG: GnuPG(加密) * GPGPU: General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units(通用图形处理器) * GPL: General Public License * GPPL: General Purpose Programming Language(通用编程语言, 对比 DSL) * GPRS: General Packet Radio Service(通用分组无线业务, 移动数据网络) * GPS: Global Positioning System(全球定位系统) * GPT: Generative Pre-trained Transformer * GPU: Graphics Processing Unit(图形处理器) * Grub2: Grand Unified Bootloader Version 2 * GSA: Google Search Appliance * GUI: Graphical User Interface * GYP: Generate Your Projects(Python,Chromium) H --- * HAL: Hardware Abstraction Layer(硬件抽象层, hw) * HAL: Hypertext Application Language(HTTP REST) * HATEOAS: Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State(HTTP REST) * HC: hire count(雇佣人数, job) * HC: head count(岗位, job) * HDD: Hard Disk Drive(硬盘, SSD) * HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System * HDMI: High Definition Multimedia Interface(高清晰度多媒体接口, protocal) * HEVC: High Efficiency Video Coding(, 视频编码) * HLS: HTTP Live Streaming(, 基于 HTTP 的流媒体实时传输协议, Apple, DASH) * HMM: Hidden Markov Model(隐马尔可夫模型) * HMAC: Hash-based Message Authentication Code(基于单向散列函数的消息验证码, security, 安全) * HOL: head-of-line * HOTP: HMAC-Based One-time Password(, security, 安全, rfc4226) * HSL: Hue Saturation Lightness(色相/饱和度/亮度, 颜色, RGB, YUV, HSV) * HSRP: Hot Stand by Router Protocol(热备份路由协议) * HSTS: HTTP Strict-Transport-Security(HTTP header) * HSV: hue-saturation-value * HSL: Hue Saturation Value(色相/饱和度/明度, 颜色, RGB, YUV, HSL) * HTAP: Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing(混合事务/分析处理, 数据库类型) * HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol * HTML: HyperText Markup Language I ---- * I18N: internationalization(首末字符i和n,18为中间的字符数), 类似的有L10N, K8S * IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service(基础设施即服务) * IAB: Internet Architecture Board(, 组织) * IaC: Infrastructure as Code * IANA: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority(因特网已分配数值权威机构, 组织) * IBE: Identity-Based Encryption(基于身份加密, security, 安全) * IC: Intermediate Code(中间代码, 同 IR) * IC: Integrated Circuit Chip(集成电路芯片, IC芯片) * ICE: Interactive Connectivity Establishment(交互式连接创建, webrtc) * ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol(网络控制报文协议, network-protocol) * ICO: initial coins offerings(首次公开发售数字代币融资, IPO) * IDE: Integrated Development Environment(开发集成环境) * IDE: Integrated Device Electronics(集成设备电路) * IDL: Interactive Data Language(交互式数据语言) * IDL: Interface Definition Language(接口定义语言) * IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission(国际电工委员会, 组织) * IEEE: Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers(电子电气工程师协会, 组织) * IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force(因特网工程任务攻坚组, 组织) * IFTTT: If This Then That * IGMP: Internet Group Management Protocol(互联网组管理协议, network-protocol) * IGP: Interior Gateway Protocol(内部网关协议, network-protocol, BGP) * IIC: Industrial Internet Consortium(工业互联网联盟) * IMDB: Internet Movie Database(互联网电影数据库, dataset, ) * IoC: Inversion of Control(控制反转, 常见的方式:Dependency Injection(依赖注入)) * IOE: IBM, Oracle, EMC * IoT: Internet of Things(物联网) * IoTSF: IoT Security Foundation(物联网安全基金会, iot) * IP: Internet Protocol(network-protocol) * IPC: Inter-Process Communication(进程间通信) * IPC: Industrial Personal Computer(工业控制计算机) * IPC: Instruction Per Cycle(周期指令数, 组成原理, CPI) * IPC: IP Camera(网络摄像头, ) * IPD: Integrated Product Development(集成产品开发) * IRI: Internationalized Resource Identifier(, URI, similar to URI but for Unicode rather than US-ASCII only) * IPFS: InterPlanetary File System(星际文件系统) * IPMI: Intelligent Platform Management Interface(智能平台管理接口) * IPO: initial public offering(首次公开募股, ICO) * IR: Intermediate Representation(中间代码, 同 IC) * IRTF: Internet Research Task Force(, 组织) * ISA: Instruction Set Architecture(指令集架构) * ISO: International Organization of Standardization(国际标准化组织, 组织) * ISOC: Internet Society(, 组织) * ISP: Interface Segregation Principle(接口隔离原则, SOLID, design-principle) * ISR: In-Sync Replicas(, kafka) * ISV: Independent Software Vendor(独立软件供应商, 嵌入式行业) * ITU-T: International Telecommunication Union, Telecommunication Standardization Sector( , 组织) * IX: Internet eXchange(互联网交换中心, network-protocol) J --- * JD: job description(, job) * JIT: Just-in-time(即时编译, compiler, AOT) * JNI: Java Native Interface * JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group(, 视频编码) * JWT: JSON Web Token K --- * KNN: K-Nearest Neighbor(K最近邻算法, ai) * KPI: Key Performance Indicator(关键绩效指标) * KSA: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities(知识、技能和才华模型) * KWS: Keyword Spotting(语音唤醒, iot) L --- * L10N: localization(首末字符l和n,10为中间的字符数), 类似的有I18N, K8S * LAC: Lexical Analysis of Chinese(中文词法分析, ai, 百度) * LAN: Local Area Network(局域网, network) * LEB: Little Endian Base * LBS: Location Based Services(基于位置的服务) * LCE: Launch Coordination Engineering(发布协调工程师) * LCP: Link Control Protocol(数据链路的链路控制协议, network-protocol) * LDA: Latent Dirichlet Allocation(潜在狄利克雷分配, ai, ml, ) * LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol * LF: Line Feed(控制字符, ascii) * LFS: Log-Structured File System * LIFO: Last In First Out(后进先出, FIFO) * LKP: Least Knowledge Principle(最少知识原则) * LLM: Large Language Models(大语言模型, ai) * LLVM: Low Level Virtual Machine(底层虚拟机, 构架编译器的框架系统, C++ 编写, Apple中广泛使用) * LGTM: Looks Good To Me (代码已经 review 可以合并) * LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation(低秩适应, LLM, ai) * LPWA: Low-Power Wide-Area Wireless Technology * LRU: Least Recently Used(最近最少使用 , 算法) * LSB: Least Significant Bit * LSM: Linux Security Modules(Linux 安全模块) * LSP: Liskov Substitution Principle(Liskov替换原则, SOLID) * LSRR: Loose SSR(宽松源和记录路径) * LSTM: 长短时记忆(Long Short Term Memory,LSTM) * LVS: Linux Virtual Server * LwIP: Light-weight IP(, tcp/ip) * LwM2M: Lightweight M2M(, iot) * LZW: Lempel-Ziv-Welch(, 编码, 压缩) M ---- * MAC: Message Authentication Code(消息验证码, security, 安全) * MAC: Medium Access Control(媒体访问控制, network-protocol) * MAE: Mean Absolute Error(平均绝对误差, math, analysis) * MBR: Master Boot Record(主引导区, 组成原理) * MBT: Model-Based-Testing(基于模型的测试, testing) * MCU: Multipoint Conferencing Unit * mDNS: Multicast DNS(多播 DNS, 局域网内部生效的域名) * MEMS: Micro-Electro-Mechanical System(微机电系统, iot, chip) * MESI: Modified、Exclusive、Shared和Invalid(多核心 Cache 数据同步协议, CPU) * MFA: Multi-factor Authentication(多因素认证, security, SFA, 安全, 2FA) * MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface(音乐设备数字化接口) * MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions(多用途因特网邮件扩充, rfc2045) * MIMO: Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(用于提高频段利用率) * MIPI: Mobile Industry Processor Interface(移动行业处理器接口) * MIPS: Million Instructions Per Second(单字长定点指令平均执行速度, 与下面一条是「双关语」, 组成原理) * MIPS: Microprocessor without interlocked piped stages architecture(采取RISC架构, 组成原理) * MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology(麻省理工学院) * MLD: Multicast Listener Discovery(, ip) * MLE: Maximum Likelihood Estimation(最大似然估计, 统计) * MLIR: Multi-Level IR * MLM: Mask Language Model(, BERT) * MLP: multilayer perceptron(多层感知器) * MLP: Machine Language Program(机器语言程序) * MLP: Minimum Lovable Product(最小可爱产品, MVP) * MMIO: Memory-Mapped I/O(内存映射 IO, 组成原理) * mMTC: massive Machine Type Communication * MMU: Memory Management Unit(内存管理单元, PMMU) * MMX: Multi-Media Extension(多媒体扩展, SIMD) * MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group(国际标准组织, 专注于数字音视频标准, 视频编码标准) * MQ: Message Queue(消息队列) * MQTT: MQ Telemetry Transport(protocol) * MR: Mixed Reality(AR/VR) * MRP: Multicast Routing Protocol(多播路由协议, router) * MS: Master of Science(理学硕士) * MSA: Micro-Service Architecture, 微服务架构(对应CBA) * MSE: Mean Squared Error(均方误差, math) * MSF: Multi-Sensor Fusion(多传感器融合, iot) * MSL: Maximum Segment Lifetime(IP数据报文最大生存时间, TCP, TTL) * MSS: Maximum Segment Size(最大分段大小, TCP, network-protocol) * MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure,平均无故障时间(平均故障间隔时间, 运维) * MTTF: Mean Time To Failure(平均故障前的时间, 运维) * MTTR: Mean Time To Recovery(平均修复时间, 运维) * MTU: Maximum Transfer Unit(最大传输单元, IP, network-protocol) * MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit(最大传输单元, IP, network-protocol) * MVC: Model View Controller * MVCC: Multiversion concurrency control(多版本并发控制, transaction) * MVMP: Model-ViewModel-Presenter * MVP: Model-View-Presenter * MVP: Minimum Viable Product(最小可行性产品, MLP) * MVP: Most Valuable Player(最有价值球员) * MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel N ---- * NAPT: Network Address Port Translation(网络地址端口转换, network-protocol) * NAS: Network Attach Storage * NAT: Network Address Translation(网络地址转换, network-protocol) * NCP: Network Control Protocol(网络层协议的网络控制协议, TCP 的前身, 单工) * NDK: Native Development Kit(, Android) * NER: Named-Entity Recognition(命名实体识别) * NFA: Nondeterministic finite automaton(非确定有限自动机) * NFC: Near-field communication(近距离无线通信, 近场通信, protocol) * NFS: Network File System(网络文件系统) * NFT: Non-fungible token(非同质化代币, blockchain) * NIC: Network Interface Card(网卡) * NIF: Native Implemented Function(原生函数, erlang, BIF) * NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology(, 安全组织) * NL: NewLine(换行 ``\n``, ascii) * NL: Low Energy(低功耗, 蓝牙, Bluetooth LE) * NLG: Natural Language Generation(自然语言生成) * NLP: Natural Language Processing(自然语言处理) * NLU: Natural Language Understanding(自然语言理解) * NP: Non-deterministic Polynomial time(非确定性多项式时间) * NPT: Normal Play Time * NPU: Neural Processing Unit(神经网络处理器, TPU, GPU) * NRE: Non-Recuring Engineering Cost(一次性工程费用, TCO) * NTFS: New Technology File System(, 文件系统格式) * NTP: Network Time Protocol(网络时间协议) * NUMA: Non-uniform memory access(非一致内存访问, 内存) * NVA: Network video Analytics * NVD: Network Video Display(网络视频接收器, 比如:网络视频显示器) * NVR: Network Video Recorder(网络视频录像机, DVR) * NVS: Network video Storage * NVT: Network Video Transmitter(网络视频服务器, 如:网络摄像机/编码设备) O ---- * OAM: Operation Administration and Maintenance(操作维护管理, 运营商网络运营) * OAM: Open Application Model(, 用来构建云原生应用的规范) * OCC: Optimistic Concurrency Control(乐观并发控制, transaction) * OCI: Open Container Initiative-based(开放式容器计划, k8s) * OCP: Open-Closed Principle(开闭原则, SOLID) * OCR: Optical Character Recognition(光学文字识别) * OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer(原始设备制造商, iot) * OKR: Objectives and Key Results(目标与关键成果) * OLAP: On-Line Analytical Processing(联机分析处理, db事务处理, 数据库类型) * OLTP: On-Line Transaction Processing(联机事务处理, 数据分析, 数据库类型) * OMO: Online Merge Offline * ONF: Open Networking Foundation(开放网络基金会) * ONOS: Open Network Operating System(, os) * ONVIF: Open Network Video Interface Forum(开放型网络视频接口论坛) * OOB: Out of Band(带外数据, tcp) * OOBE: Out-of-box experience(开箱体验) * OOM: Out Of Memory * OOP: Object Oriented Programming, 面向对象程序设计 * OOV: out-of-vocabulary(未记录词汇, ml, 向量) * ORM: Object-Relational Mapping(对象关系映射器) * OS: Operating System(操作系统) * OSI: Open Systems Interconnection(OSI 网络体系结构, ISO提出) * OSI: Open Source Initiative(开放源代码促进会, 推动开源的非盈利组织) * OSM: OpenStreetMap(, 地图) * OSM object (N - node, W - way, R - relation) * OSPF: Open Shortest Path First(开放式最短路径优先, network-protocol) * OSS: Object Storage Service(阿里云对象存储服务) * OSS: Open Source System(influxdb的开源版本, influxdb) * OTA: Over The Air(空中下载技术) * OTEP: OpenTelemetry Enhancement Proposal * OTLP: OpenTelemetry Library protocol * OTN: Optical Transport Network(光传送网, DWDM) * OTP: One Time Password(一次性密码) * OWASP: Open Web Application Security Project(组织: 开放式 Web 应用程序安全项目) P ----- * PaaS: Platform as a Service(平台即服务) * PAC: Proxy AutoConfiguration * PAKE: Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (, SPAKE2+, 加密) * PAM: Pluggable Authentication Module(可插拔认证模块) * PAN: Personal Area Network(个人区域网络, network) * PASE Passcode-Authenticated Session Establishment(, 加密, ) * PBFT: Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant(实用拜占庭容错, distributed system) * PBKDF: Password-Based Key Derivation Function (, NIST800-132, KDF) * PCA: Principal Component Analysis(主成分分析, 数据分析) * PCB: Printed Circuit Board(印刷电路板, 硬件板) * PCBA: Printed Circuit Board +Assembly(PCB 空板经过 SMT 上件,再经过 DIP 插件的整个制程, iot, 硬件板) * PCM: Pulse Code Modulation(脉冲编码调制, 音频sample编码) * PCRE: Perl Compatible Regular Expressions(Perl 兼容正则表达式) * PDG: Program Dependence Graph(程序依赖图, DAG) * PDT: Pacific Daylight Time(太平洋夏季时间, time-zone) * PE: Portable Executable Format(, 组成原理, ELF) * PEFT: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning(高效参数微调, LLM, ai) * PERN: Postgres, Express, React, Node * PES: Packet Elementary Stream * PF: Protocol Family(, socket) * PFS: Perfect Forward Secrecy(前向安全性, SSL/TLS协议) * PGP: Pretty Good Privacy(1991, 加密) * PIC: Position-Independent Code(地址无关码, 组成原理) * PID: Process ID * PIR: Passive Infrared Detector(被动式红外探测器或身体感应器) * PKCS: Public-Key Cryptography Standards(公钥密码学标准) * PKI: Public Key Infrastructure(公钥基础设施, 加密) * PLC: Power Line Communication(电力载波通信) * PLC: Programmable Logic Controller(可编程逻辑控制器) * PIL: Python Imaging Library * PLT: Procedure Link Table(程序链接表, 组成原理, GOT) * PMMU: Paged Memory Management Unit(分页内存管理单元, MMU) * PMTU: Path MTU(路径MTU) * PMTUD: Path MTU Discovery(路径最大传输单元发现, http2) * PMU: Performance Monitoring Unit * PnP: Plug and Play(即插即用) * PO: Persistent Object(数据持久化对象, DDD) * POC: Proof of Capacity(容量证明, blockchain) * POC: Proof of Concept(概念证明, blockchain, 各种试水测试) * POP结点: Point of Presence(入网点,阿里) * POS: Proof of Storage(存储量证明, 股权证明, blockchain) * POSIX: Portable Operating System Interface for Computing Systems(可移植操作系统接口, unix) * POW: Proof of Work(工作量证明, blockchain) * PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol(点到点协议, network-protocol) * PPPoA: PPP over ATM * PPPoE: PPP over Ethernet(一种控制 ADSL、FTTH 等宽带网络的方式, network-protocol) * PR: Pull Request * PSK: Pre Shared Key(, 权限相关) * PST: Pacific Standard Time(太平洋标准时间, time-zone) * PT: Pacific Time(太平洋时间, time-zone) * PLT: Procedure Linkage Table(过程链接表, 编译原理) * PTM: Point-to-Multipoint 单点对多点 * PTP: Point-to-Point 单点对单点 * PTS: Presentation Timestamp * PWA: Progressive Web App(Google 移动浏览器方案) * PWM: Pulse Width Modulation(脉冲宽度调制, LED灯 的颜色和亮度) * PXE: Pre-boot Execution Environment(预启动执行环境, BIOS, DHCP) Q ---- * QoE: Quality of experience * QoS: Quality of Service * QPS: Query Per Second(每秒请求数,一般指读取,TPS) * QUIC: Quick UDP Internet Connections R ---- * RAG: Retrieval Augmented Generation(检索增强生成, AI, LLM) * RAII: Resource Acquisition Is Initialization(资源获取即初使化) * RAM: Random Access Memory(随机存取存储器, 组成原理) * RAN: Radio Access Network(无线接入网, WAN, network) * RARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol(逆地址转换协议) * RBAC: Role-Based Access Control * RC: Release Candidate(发布候选版, deploy) * RCU: Read-Copy Update(随意读,但更新时,需先复制副本完成修改,再替换旧数据, linux源码) * RDBMS: Relational DataBase Management System * RDD: Resilient Distributed Datasets(弹性分布式数据集) * RDF: Resource Description Framework(资源描述框架) * RDP: Remote Desktop Protocal(远程桌面控制协议, protocal) * RE: Regular Expression(正则表达式) * ReLU: Rectified Linear Unit(修正线性单元, ai, 激活函数) * REPL: Read-Eval-Print Loop(读取-求值-输出-循环, 一种「交互式解释器」) * REST: Representational State Transfer(表征状态转移) * RF: Random Forest(随机森林) * RFC: Request for Comments(rfc) * RFID: Radio Frequency Identification(射频识别, iot) * RGB: Red, Green, Blue(三元色, color, 颜色, YUV, HSL, HSV) * RIFF: Resource Interchange File Format * RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer(精简指令集, CISC, 组成原理) * RL: Reinforcement Learning(强化学习, AI) * RLHF: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback(从人类反馈中强化学习, AI) * RNN: Recurrent Neural Network(循环神经网, AI) * ROA: Resource Oriented Architecture * ROI: Return On Investment(投资回报率, 投入产出比) * ROM: Read-Only Memory(只读存储器, 组成原理) * ROS: Robot Operating System * ROUGE: Recall Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation(, ai, 评测, ) * RPC: Remote Procedure Call * RPI: Raspberry PI * RPM: Rotations Per Minute(每分钟的旋转圈数, 磁盘, 组成原理) * RPMB: Replay Protected Memory Block(, eMMC) * RPO: Recovery Point Objective(恢复时间目标, 容灾) * RPS: Receive Packet Steering(, RSS, 软件层面实现类似RSS网卡相关功能) * RSA: Rivest、Shamir 和 Adleman(, 加密) * RSS: Resident Set Size * RSS: Receive Side Scaling(, RPS, 网卡硬件相关) * RTC: Real-Time Communication * RTCP: Real-time Control Protocol(实时传输控制协议, protocol) * RTFM: Read The Fucking Manual/Read The Foolish Manual(chat) * RTM: Release to Manufacture(给工厂大量压片的版本, deploy) * RTMP: Real Time Messaging Protocol(实时消息协议) * RTO: Recovery Time Objective(恢复点目标, 容灾) * RTO: Retransmission TimeOut(超时重传时间, http) * RTOS: Real-time operating system(实时操作系统, TSOS) * RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol(实时流协议, protocol) * RTP: Real-time Transport Protocol(实时传输协议, protocol, rfc3550) * RTT: Round Trip Time(往返时间, http, tcp, TTL, MSL) * RTTI: Run Time Type Information(运行时类型信息) * RTTI: Run Time Type Identification(运行时类型识别) S ---- * SaaS: Software as a Service(软件服务化) * SAP: Soft, Application, and Products in Data Processing(, ERP company) * SAR: Special Administrative Region(特别行政区, 香港) * SASL: System Architecture Support Libraries * SCM: Soft Cosine Measure(软余弦测量, ml, ) * SCTP: Stream Control Transmission Protocol(流控制传输协议, network-protocol) * SDK: Soft Development Kit(软件开发工具包) * SDIO: Secure Digital Input and Output(安全数字输入输出, 嵌入式) * SDL: Security Development Lifecycle(安全开发生命周期) * SDN: Software-Defined Networking(软件定义网络) * SDNV: SDN VPN * SDP: Session Description Protocal(, webrtc, RTSP) * SDL: Simple Direct Layer * SDRAM: Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory(同步动态随机存储器, 内存) * SDX: Software-Defined Everything(软件定义一切) * SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission(美国证券委员会) * SEDA: Stage Event Driver Architecture(分阶段的事件驱动架构) * SFA: Single-factor authentication(单因素认证, security, MFA, 安全) * SFT: Supervised Fine-Tuning(有监督微调, AI) * SFU: Selective Forwarding Unit * SHA: Secure Hash Algorithm(, 安全, security) * SICP: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs(计算机程序的解释与构造, 书) * SIG: Special Interest Group * SIGMA: (, protocol, security) * SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data(单条指令能处理多个数据, 矢量计算, SISD) * SIMD: Single Instruction,Multiple Threads(, GPU) * SIP: System Integrity Protection (MacOS) * SISD: Single Instruction Single Data(单条指令能处理单个数据, 标量计算, SIMD) * SKU: Stock Keeping Unit(库存单位, ) * SLA: Service Level Agreement(服务等级协议, SLI) * SLAAC: IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration(无状态地址自动配置, protocol, DHCPv6) * SLAM: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping(同步定位与建图, CML, vr) * SLAM: Supersonic Low Altitude Missile(超音速低空导弹, 军事) * SLC: Software Life Cycle(软件生命周期, 软件工程) * SLI: Service Level Indicator(服务等级对象) * SLIP: Serial Line IP(串行线路IP) * SLO: Service Level Objective(服务等级目标) * SMART: Specific,M=Measurable,A=Attainable,R=Relevant,T=Time-bound(, model) * SMB: Server Message Block(微软制定的网络文件共享协议) * SMPTE: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers * SMT: Surface Mounted Technology(表面组装技术, 表面贴装技术, 硬件板) * SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol * SNAP: Sub-network Access Protocol(子网接入协议, network-protocol) * SNAT: 源地址转换(Source NAT) * SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol * SNTP: Simple NTP(简单网络时间协议) * so: Shared Object(动态链接库, DLL) * SOA: Service Oriented Architecture(, EDA) * SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol * SoC: System on a Chip(系统芯片, hw) * SOE: state-owned-enterprise(公有体制下的国有企业) * SOLID: SRP,OCP,LSP,ISP,DIP(5个对象和接口的设计原则, design-principle) * SOP: Standard Operating Procedure(标准作业程序) * SPA: Single Page web Application(单页面应用, 不刷新页面, 动态变更html) * SPEC: Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation(, CPU性能跑分) * SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface(串行外设接口) * SPOF: Single Point of Failure(单点故障问题, 高可用) * SPU: Standard Product Unit(标准化产品单元) * SQL: Structural Query Language(结构化查询语言) * SRAM: Static Random-Access Memory(静态随机存取存储器, 组成原理, DRAM) * SRE: Site Reliability Engineering(网站可靠性工程师, job) * SRP: Single Responsibility Principle(单一职责原则, SOLID, microservice) * SRR: source and record routes(源和记录路径) * SRTCP: Secure RTCP(安全实时传输控制协议, 安全, security) * SRTP: Secure RTP(安全实时传输协议, 安全, security) * SSA: Static Single Assignment(静态单赋值, compiler, CSE) * SSAP: Source Service Access Point(源服务访问点, 802, DSAP) * SSD: Solid-state drive 或 Solid-state disk(固态硬盘, HDD) * SSDP: Simple Service Discovery Protocol(简单服务发现协议, protocol) * SSE: Streaming SIMD Extensions(流式 SIMD 扩展, SIMD) * SSH: Secure Shell(安全外壳协议, 安全, security) * SSI: Server Side Include(, CSI, ESI) * SSL: Security Socket Layer * SSM: Source-Specific Multicast(源定多播, ASM, IP Multicast) * SSO: Single Sign-On(单点登录) * SSPL: Server Side Public License(服务器端公共授权, opensource-license) * SSR: Server-Side Rendering * SSRF: Server-side Request Forge(服务端请求伪造, vulnerability) * SSRR: strict SSR(严格源和记录路径) * STAR面试法: situation, task, action, result * STD: Internet Standards(rfc) * STM: SGS & Tomson Microelectronics(意法半导体公司, iot, chip) * STFW: Search the fxxking web(chat) * STL: Standard Template Library * STP: Spanning Tree Protocol(生成树协议) * STT: Speech to Text(语音转换成文本) * STUN: Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs(NAT的UDP简单穿越, webrtc) * STW: Stop The World(停下整个世界, compiler) * SUT: System Under Test(被测系统) * SVM: Support Vector Machine(支持向量机, ai) * SWIG: Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator(C/C++ 接口转换脚本语言) T ---- * TAC: Three Address Code(三地址代码, compiler) * TC: Technical Committee(技术委员会, 开源) * TCC: Try-Confirm-Cancel(, transaction) * TCO: Total Cost of Ownership(总体拥有成本, NRE) * TCP: Transmission Control Portocol(network-protocol) * TDD: Test-Driven Development(测试驱动开发) * TDLS: Tunneled Direct Link Setup(通道直接链路建立, WiFi联盟) * TF-IDF: Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency(词频-逆文档频率, ai) * TICK: Telegraf、InfluxDB、Chronograf、Kapacitor(四大组件: 数据收集器, 时序DB, UI, 监控, influxdb) * TL: Team Leader * TLB: Translation-Lookaside Buffer(地址变换高速缓冲, 组成原理, 分为 ITLB 和 DTLB) * TLI: Transport Layer Interface(, XTI) * TLNR: Too Long, Not Read * TLS: Transport Layer Security * TLS: Thread Local Storage(线程局部存储) * TOC: Technical Oversight Committee(技术监督委员会) * TOTP: Time-based One-time Password(security, rfc6238) * TP: Top Percentile(Top百分比) * TPS: Transactions Per Second(每秒事务数,一般指写入,QPS) * TPU: Tensor Processing Units(张量处理器, GPU, NPU) * TSL: Thing Specification Language(物规范语言) * TSOS: Time Sharing Operating System(分时操作系统, RTOS) * TTL: Transistor Transistor Logic(晶体管逻辑) * TTL: Time To Live(, TCP, MSL) * TTS: Text to Speech(, ASR) * TURN: Traversal Using Relay NAT(, webrtc) * TWS: True Wireless Stereo(真正无限立体声, apple, Airpods) U ---- * UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter(通用异步收发传输器, 嵌入式) * UCS: Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set(通用多八位元组编码字符集, ) * UDP: User Datagram Protocol(network-protocol) * UI: User Interface * UML: Unified Modeling Language(统一建模语言) * UPnP: Universal Plug and Play(protocol) * URI: Uniform resource Identifier * USB: Universal Serial Bus * UTC: Universal Time Coordinated(世界标准时间, time-zone) * UTF: UCS Transformation Formats(, 编码, encoding) * uTP: uTorrent Transport Protocol(使用 UDP 实现可靠传输) * UTXO: Unspent Transaction Outputs(未花费的交易输出, 比特币) V ---- * V2X: Vehicle to Everything * V2I: Vehicle toInfrastructure(车与路之间) * V2P: Vehicle to Pedestrian(车与人之间) * V2N: Vehicle to Network(车与网络之间) * V2V: vehicle-to-vehicle(车与车之间) * VFS: Virtual File System * VLAN: Virtual LAN(虚拟局域网, network-protocol) * VLSI: Very-Large-Scale Integration(超大规模集成电路) * VMX: Virtual Machine Extension * VNC: Virtual Network Console(, 远程桌面控制协议, protocal) * VO: View Object(视图对象, DDD) * VPN: Virtual Private Networks * VPR: Voice Print Recognition(声纹识别) * VPS: Virtual Private Servers * VR: Virtual Reality(AR/VR, 虚拟现实) W ---- * WAL: Write-Ahead Logging(db, 事务) * WAN: Wide Area Network(局域网, network) * WAN: Wireless Access Network(无线接入网, RAN, network) * WASM: Web Assembly * WBS: Work Breakdown Structure(工作分解结构) * WebDAV: Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning * WebRTC: Web Real-Time Communication(网页即时通信) * WGS84: World Geodetic System 1984(为 GPS 全球定位系统使用而建立的坐标系统) * WIP: Work-in-Progress * WLAN: Wireless LAN(无线局域网, network) * WoT: Web of Things(万维物联网, iot) * WSDL: Web Services Description Language(网络服务描述语言) * WSL: Windows Subsystem for Linux * WSN: Wireless Sensor Networking(无线传感器网络) * WWW: World Wide Web X --- * XA: eXtended Architecture(, transaction) * XGBoost: extreme gradient boosting(极端梯度提升, AI) * XLM: Cross-lingual Language Model * XPath: XML Path Language(XML路径语言, 爬虫) * XSS: Cross-site scripting(跨站脚本攻击, vulnerability) * XSRF: Cross-site request forgery(跨站请求伪造, CSRF, vulnerability) * XTI: X/Open Transport Interface(, TLI) Y ---- * YACC: Yet Another Compiler Compiler * YUM: YellowDog Update Modified