frp: reverse proxy to acrose NAT or firewall ############################################ * 官网: Architecture ============ .. figure:: Docker ====== * 官网不配置,使用这个: start frps:: docker run --restart=always --network host -d -v /etc/frp/frps.toml:/etc/frp/frps.toml --name frps snowdreamtech/frps start frpc:: docker run --restart=always --network host -d -v /etc/frp/frpc.toml:/etc/frp/frpc.toml --name frpc snowdreamtech/frpc Examples ======== Access your computer in a LAN network via SSH --------------------------------------------- server with a public IP:: 1. 配置文件 $ cat frps.toml bindPort = 7000 2. 启动 ./frps -c ./frps.toml client-server:: 1. 配置文件 $ cat frpc.toml serverAddr = "x.x.x.x" serverPort = 7000 [[proxies]] name = "ssh" type = "tcp" localIP = "" localPort = 22 remotePort = 6000 2. 启动 ./frpc -c ./frpc.toml client:: ssh -oPort=6000 @x.x.x.x .. note:: 注意client连接时用的username是 client-server 的用户名 Multiple SSH services sharing the same port ------------------------------------------- server with a public IP:: 1. 配置文件 bindPort = 7000 tcpmuxHTTPConnectPort = 5002 client-server1:: serverAddr = "x.x.x.x" serverPort = 7000 [[proxies]] name = "ssh1" type = "tcpmux" multiplexer = "httpconnect" customDomains = [""] localIP = "" localPort = 22 client-server2:: serverAddr = "x.x.x.x" serverPort = 7000 [[proxies]] name = "ssh2" type = "tcpmux" multiplexer = "httpconnect" customDomains = [""] localIP = "" localPort = 22 client:: ssh -o 'proxycommand socat -,proxyport=5002' ssh -o 'proxycommand socat -,proxyport=5002' 需要安装socat: brew install socat sudo apt-get install socat 验证安装成功: >> socat Accessing Internal Web Services with Custom Domains in LAN ---------------------------------------------------------- server with a public IP:: # frps.toml bindPort = 7000 vhostHTTPPort = 8080 client-server1:: # frpc.toml serverAddr = "x.x.x.x" serverPort = 7000 [[proxies]] name = "web" type = "http" localPort = 80 customDomains = [""] client:: Map the A record of to the public IP $ curl Forward Unix Domain Socket -------------------------- server with a public IP:: # frps.toml bindPort = 7000 client-server1:: # frpc.toml serverAddr = "x.x.x.x" serverPort = 7000 [[proxies]] name = "unix_domain_socket" type = "tcp" remotePort = 6000 [proxies.plugin] type = "unix_domain_socket" unixPath = "/var/run/docker.sock" client:: curl http://x.x.x.x:6000/version Expose a simple HTTP file server -------------------------------- server with a public IP:: # frps.toml bindPort = 7000 client-server1:: # frpc.toml serverAddr = "x.x.x.x" serverPort = 7000 [[proxies]] name = "test_static_file" type = "tcp" remotePort = 6000 [proxies.plugin] type = "static_file" localPath = "/tmp/files" stripPrefix = "static" httpUser = "abc" httpPassword = "pwd" client:: curl http://x.x.x.x:6000/static Dashboard ========= Server Dashboard ---------------- server:: webServer.port = 7500 # dashboard's username and password are both optional webServer.user = "admin" webServer.password = "admin" webServer.tls.certFile = "server.crt" webServer.tls.keyFile = "server.key" client:: curl https://[serverAddr]:7500 Client Admin UI --------------- client-server:: webServer.addr = "" webServer.port = 7400 webServer.user = "admin" webServer.password = "admin" client:: curl