Emqtt集群配置 ==================== :: ## 集群名 cluster.name = emqcl ## Cluster discovery strategy: manual | static | mcast | dns | etcd | k8s cluster.discovery = manual ## Cluster Autoheal: on | off cluster.autoheal = on ## Clean down node of the cluster cluster.autoclean = 5m EMQ Autodiscovery Strategy:: manual: 手工命令创建集群 static: Autocluster by static node list(静态节点列表自动集群) mcast: Autocluster by UDP Multicast(UDP 组播方式自动集群) dns: Autocluster by DNS A Record(DNS A 记录自动集群) etcd: Autocluster using etcd(通过 etcd 自动集群) k8s: Autocluster on Kubernetes(Kubernetes 服务自动集群) 1.手工命令创建集群:: 默认配置为手动创建集群,节点通过 $ ./bin/emqttd_ctl join 命令加入 2.基于 static 节点列表自动集群:: cluster.discovery = static ## Cluster with static node list cluster.static.seeds = emq1@,ekka2@ 3.Autocluster by IP Multicast:: cluster.discovery = mcast ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Cluster with multicast cluster.mcast.addr = cluster.mcast.ports = 4369,4370 cluster.mcast.iface = cluster.mcast.ttl = 255 cluster.mcast.loop = on 4.Autocluster by DNS A Record:: cluster.discovery = dns ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Cluster with DNS cluster.dns.name = localhost cluster.dns.app = ekka 5.Autocluster using etcd:: cluster.discovery = etcd ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Cluster with Etcd cluster.etcd.server = cluster.etcd.prefix = emqcl cluster.etcd.node_ttl = 1m 6.Autocluster on Kubernetes:: cluster.discovery = k8s ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Cluster with k8s cluster.k8s.apiserver = cluster.k8s.service_name = ekka ## Address Type: ip | dns cluster.k8s.address_type = ip ## The Erlang application name cluster.k8s.app_name = ekka