



康威定律(Conway’s Law)

划分系统 时,应该多考虑 康威定律:



定义: Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations. - Melvin Conway(1967) 设计系统的组织,其产生的设计等同于组织之内、组织之间的沟通结构

  • 康威定律被视为微服务架构的理论基础


Law 1:

Any organization that designs a system (defined more broadly here than just information systems)
  will inevitably produce a design whose structure is a copy of
    the organization's communication structure.

A system’s design is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.

Communication dictates design
o> The mode of organizational communication is expressed through system design

Law 2:

There is never enough time to do something right, but there is always enough time to do it over
o> A task can never be done perfectly, even with unlimited time, but there is always time to complete a task

Satisficing v. Sacrificing  -- Eric Hollnagel, 2009
-> Satisficing is explained as a consequence of limited cognitive capacity.
-> Sacrificing is explained as a consequence of the intractability of the work environment
1. Problem too complicated? Ignore details.
2. Not enough resources? Give up features.

Increasing Intractability
1. Systems grow too large
2. Rate of change increases
3. Overall expectations keep rising


Law 3:

There is a homomorphism from the linear graph of a system to the linear graph of its design organization
o> Homomorphism exists between linear systems and linear organizational structures

homomorphism    - Eric S. Raymond, 1991
“If you have four groups working on a compiler, you'll get a 4-pass compiler.”

Law 4:

The structures of large systems tend to disintegrate during development, qualitatively more so than small systems
o> A large system organization is easier to decompose than a smaller one

Disintegration: Reason #1
“The realization that the system will be large, together with organization pressures,
    make irresistible the temptation to assign too many people to a design effort”
Brooks’ Law:
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later   -- Fred Brooks, 1975
Intercommunication formula: n(n − 1) / 2

Disintegration: Reason #2
Application of the conventional wisdom of management to a large design organization
    causes its communication structure to disintegrate.
Dunbar’s Number   -- Robin Dunbar, 1992
A measurement of the “cognitive limit to the number of individuals with whom
    any one person can maintain stable relationships.

Disintegration: Reason #3
“Homomorphism insures that the structure of the system will
    reflect the disintegration which has occurred in the design organization.”


  1. 【wikipedia】Conway’s law

  2. 【论文】Conway’s Law

  3. 【云栖芷沁】Conway’s Law – A Theoretical Basis for the Microservice Architecture

  4. 【ppt】Conway’s Law at a Distance

  5. 【segmentfault】康威定律——这个50年前就被提出的微服务概念,你知多少


1. 康威定律的wiki定义
2. 康威定律出现的论文
3. 云栖芷沁对4中ppt内容的介绍并在最后论证了与「微服务」的相似点
4. Mike Amundsen(Author of 「Design RESTful API」)讲解的ppt,并总结出康威4大定律
5. 是3的中文翻译版,用作参考



