OpenSSL转OpenSSH密钥 ########################### openssl的公钥例子:: —–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—– MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC7vbqajDw4o6gJy8UtmIbkcpnk O3Kwc4qsEnSZp/TR+fQi62F79RHWmwKOtFmwteURgLbj7D/WGuNLGOfa/2vse3G2 eHnHl5CB8ruRX9fBl/KgwCVr2JaEuUm66bBQeP5XeBotdR4cvX38uPYivCDdPjJ1 QWPdspTBKcxeFbccDwIDAQAB —–END PUBLIC KEY—– openssh的公钥例子:: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC7vbqajDw4o6gJy8UtmIbkcpnkO3Kwc4qsEnSZp/TR+fQi62F79RHWmwKOtFmwteURgLbj7D/WGuNLGOfa/2vse3G2eHnHl5CB8ruRX9fBl/ linux:: ssh-keygen -e -f ~/.ssh/ > ~/.ssh/id_rsa_pub.pem ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_pub.pem -i -m RFC4716 > ~/.ssh/ windows:: 1)Use the puttyGen 2) Run puttygen and click generate 3) Run your mouse round the blank part for a while. 4) Enter a keyphrase (and repeat) 5) Click save public key and save it \publickey 6) Click save private key and save it \privatekey (extension gets added automatically, this is no good for spoon, but good for putty) 7) Click Conversions->Export OpenSSH key and save as \sshkey.pem 8) In the main window is you key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file. Copy this in its entirety and past it into your ubuntu machine in /home//.ssh/authorized_keys file. 9) Ok, you can close putty key generator. 10) Utilize the .pem in the tool.