Let's Encrypt ############# * Let's Encrypt: https://letsencrypt.org/ * Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt: https://certbot.eff.org/ * GitHub: https://github.com/certbot/certbot 安装 ==== Debian 9版:: $ sudo apt-get install certbot python-certbot-nginx Docker版:: $ docker pull certbot/certbot Getting Started With Shell Access ====================================== 基于Nginx生成证书:: a) 生成证书并自动修改nginx配置 $ sudo certbot --nginx b) 只生成证书 $ sudo certbot certonly --nginx 4. 证书有效期3个月: // 刷新证书(未验证) $ certbot renew 不基于web server生成证书:: 注意: 用这种方法80端口不能被占用 $ certbot certonly --standalone --email admin@zhaoweiguo.com -d webrtc3.zhaoweiguo.com 条件: 1. 执行此命令必须使用 root 用户获得文件夹的权限 2. 域名能访问并且有绑定的公网 IP 3. 必须在此域名绑定的服务器上运行 4. 会使用 80 断端口,如果 nginx 监听 80 端口,把 nginx 先关掉 Docker版本不基于web server:: $ docker run -it -p 80:80 --rm --name certbot \ -v "/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" \ -v "/var/lib/letsencrypt:/var/lib/letsencrypt" \ certbot/certbot certonly --standalone \ --email admin@zhaoweiguo.com -d webrtc3.zhaoweiguo.com 成功界面 ======== IMPORTANT NOTES:: - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.zhaoweiguo.com/fullchain.pem Your key file has been saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/www.zhaoweiguo.com/privkey.pem Your cert will expire on 2020-03-19. To obtain a new or tweaked version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot again. To non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run "certbot renew" - If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by: Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt: https://letsencrypt.org/donate Donating to EFF: https://eff.org/donate-le 基于Nginx生成证书过程:: root@myserver:~# certbot certonly --nginx Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log Plugins selected: Authenticator nginx, Installer nginx Which names would you like to activate HTTPS for? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1: zhaoweiguo.com 2: knowledge.zhaoweiguo.com 3: www.zhaoweiguo.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 常见问题 ======== * Max retries exceeded with url: /directory:: 有一些限制: https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/ 参考 ==== * 申请 Let's Encrypt 永久免费 SSL 证书过程教程及常见问题,及续期: https://blog.csdn.net/u013378306/article/details/80030405