slb实例 ############ 地理位置相关:: % 省 * | select ip_to_province(client_ip) as ip_province, count(*) as pv group by ip_province order by pv desc limit 500 % 国 * | select ip_to_country(client_ip) as ip_country, count(*) as pv group by ip_country order by pv desc limit 500 top ip:: * | select client_ip as "客户端ip" , count(*) as pv, ip_to_province(client_ip) as "区域", ip_to_city(client_ip) as "城市", ip_to_provider(client_ip) as "运营商", round(sum(request_length) / 1024.0 / 1024, 2) as "请求报文流量(MB)", round(sum(body_bytes_sent) / 1024.0 / 1024, 2) as "返回客户端流量(MB)" group by client_ip order by pv desc limit 100 按分钟查看状态码PV趋势:: * | select date_format(date_trunc('minute', __time__),'%m-%d %H:%i') as t, status, count(*) as pv group by t, status order by t asc limit 2000 各slb下各host请求汇总:: * | select slbid as "SLB实例ID", host, count(*) as pv, round(sum(request_length) / 1024.0 / 1024, 2) as "请求报文流量(MB)", round(sum(body_bytes_sent) / 1024.0 / 1024, 2) as "返回客户端流量(MB)", round( sum( case when status>=200 and status < 300 then 1 else 0 end ) * 100.0 / count(1), 6 ) as "2xx比例(%)", round( sum( case when status>=300 and status < 400 then 1 else 0 end ) * 100.0 / count(1), 6 ) as "3xx比例(%)", round( sum( case when status >= 400 and status < 500 then 1 else 0 end ) * 100.0 / count(1), 6 ) as "4xx比例(%)", round( sum( case when status >= 500 and status < 600 then 1 else 0 end ) * 100.0 / count(1), 6 ) as "5xx比例(%)" group by "SLB实例ID", host order by pv desc limit 100 请求报文流量拓扑:: * | select COALESCE(client_ip, vip_addr, upstream_addr) as source, COALESCE(upstream_addr, vip_addr, client_ip) as dest, sum(request_length) as inflow group by grouping sets( (client_ip, vip_addr), (vip_addr, upstream_addr))