eth Namespace ############# 此ns是默认开放的2个ns之一 eth_call ======== +----------+----------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------+ | Field | Type | Bytes | Optional | Description | +==========+==========+=======+==========+==============================================+ | from | Address | 20 | Yes | Address to have been sent from. | +----------+----------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------+ | to | Address | 20 | No | Address the transaction is sent to. | +----------+----------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------+ | gas | Quantity | <8 | Yes | Maximum gas allowance for the code | +----------+----------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------+ | gasPrice | Quantity | <32 | Yes | Number of wei to paying for each unit of gas | +----------+----------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------+ | value | Quantity | <32 | Yes | Amount of wei to sending | +----------+----------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------+ | data | Binary | any | Yes | Binary data to send to the target contract. | +----------+----------+-------+----------+----------------------------------------------+ 实例:: { "from": "0xd9c9cd5f6779558b6e0ed4e6acf6b1947e7fa1f3", "to": "0xebe8efa441b9302a0d7eaecc277c09d20d684540", "gas": "0x1bd7c", "data": "0xd459fc.......b0ca9ca983a22d86a70628", } 其他 ==== 转帐:: > eth.sendTransaction({ from: '0x08268e9540b8d21f0867ce436e792777737ecfb6', to: '0x6eb4fe3bbcc30bb2f588996d9947398c77637ddb', value: web3.toWei(1, "ether") })