uwsgitop命令 ############ * uwsgitop 是一个类似于 top 的命令,它使用 stats 服务器。可以在 PyPI 找到,因此使用 easy_install 或者 pip 来安装它 (自然而然地,包名是 uwsgitop)。 * Github: https://github.com/unbit/uwsgitop * https://pypi.org/project/uwsgitop/ 安装:: $ pip install uwsgitop 基本用法 ======== 启动 uwsgi 时添加:: stats = 使用 uwsgitop 命令查看 uwsgi 进程状态:: $ uwsgitop Usage ===== :: a: To display async core statistics (e.g. when using gevent) or to switch between core statistics display mode f: To refresh the screen super fast q: quit :: Field Description === ========== WID: Worker ID % : Worker usage PID: Worker PID REQ: Number of requests the worker executed since last (re)spawn RPS: Requests per second EXC: Exceptions SIG: Managed uwsgi signals STATUS Worker is busy or free to use? AVG: Average request time RSS: Worker RSS (Resident Set Size, see linux memory management) VSZ: Worker VSZ (Virtual Memory Size, see linux memory management) TX: How much data was transmitted by the worker ReSpwn: Respawn count HC: Harakiri count RunT: How long the worker has been running LastSpwn: Last spawn time