.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. _uwsgi_install: uwsgi安装与基本用法 ################################ 前提:: yum install python-devel -y // yum install python-setuptools -y 安装:: wget http://projects.unbit.it/downloads/uwsgi-latest.tar.gz tar zxvf uwsgi-latest.tar.gz cd make // or python uwsgiconfig.py --build // python setup.py install // //ps make clean // python uwsgiconfig.py --clean uwsgi option:: -s|--socket bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using default protocol -s|--uwsgi-socket bind to the specified UNIX/TCP socket using uwsgi protocol -p|--processes spawn the specified number of workers/processes -d|--daemonize daemonize uWSGI --env set environment variable --ini load config from ini file --touch-reload reload uWSGI if the specified file is modified/touched -w|--module load a WSGI module -R|--max-requests reload workers after the specified amount of managed requests -t|--harakiri set harakiri timeout --limit-as limit processes address space/vsz example:: //并发4个thread uwsgi -s :9090 -w myapp -p 4 //主控thread+4个thread uwsgi -s :9090 -w myapp -M -p 4 //运行超30秒的client直接忽略 uwsgi -s :9090 -w myapp -M -p 4 -t 30 //限制memory空间128M uwsgi -s :9090 -w myapp -M -p 4 -t 30 --limit-as 128 //服务超10000req自动respawn uwsgi -s :9090 -w myapp -M -p 4 -t 30 --limit-as 128 -R 10000 后台运行 uwsgi -s :9090 -w myapp -M -p 4 -t 30 --limit-as 128 -R 10000 -d uwsgi.log 更多:http://projects.unbit.it/uwsgi/wiki/Doc