.. _quickstart: 快速学习 ========= .. _quickstart_hello: 建立简单框架 ------------- * 下载webmachine:: git clone git://github.com/basho/webmachine * 快速搭建应用框架:: ./scripts/new_webmachine.sh APPNAME DIR //APPNAME and DIR can be indicated! cd DIR/APPNAME make ./start.sh * 访问"" .. _quickstart_detail: 简单细节 -------- like plain otp, it begins with (use the appName: test):: test.erl ---> test.app ---> test_app.erl ---> test_sup.erl in test_sup.erl, it started [webmachine_mochiweb] server(not a normal server). here, we don't care about what has happen in detail. We should just know that it will return to find "priv/dispatch.conf" file(it can be changed in file "test_sup.erl", you can change to what you want by modifying "{dispatch, Dispatch}"). Now, we'll see the content of the file "dispatch.conf":: %%-*- mode: erlang -*- {["test1", '*'], test_demo1, []}. {["test2", '*'], test_demo2, [{root, "/tmp/fs"}]}. the detail can be found in the files "test_demo1.erl" and "test_demo2.erl" 注意: 如果启动两个webmachine的项目时,会遇到一系列的问题: * 两个Webmachine applications不能同时启动! *