sync-类似reloader [1]_ ######################## 依赖:: syntax_tools compiler 启动:: > sync:go(). Successfully recompiling a module:: 08:34:43.255 [info] /Code/Webmachine/src/webmachine_dispatcher.erl:0: Recompiled. 08:34:43.265 [info] webmachine_dispatcher: Reloaded! (Beam changed.) Warnings:: 08:35:06.660 [info] /Code/Webmachine/src/webmachine_dispatcher.erl:33: Warning: function dispatch/3 is unused Errors:: 08:35:16.881 [info] /Code/Webmachine/src/webmachine_dispatcher.erl:196: Error: function reconstitute/1 undefined /Code/Webmachine/src/webmachine_dispatcher.erl:250: Error: syntax error before: reconstitute Stopping and Pausing:: sync:stop(). sync:pause(). 指定要sync的目录:: [ {sync, [ {src_dirs, {strategy(), [src_dir_descr()]}} ]} ]. -type strategy() :: add | replace. add:增加指定目录 replace:只sync指定目录 -type src_dir_descr() :: { Dir :: file:filename(), [Options :: compile_option()]}. 实例: [ {sync, [ {src_dirs, {replace, [{"./priv/plugins", [{outdir,"./priv/plugins_bin"}]}]}} ]} ]. 指定日志等级:: all: Print all console notifications none: Print no console notifications [success | warnings | errors]: A list of any combination of the atoms success, warnings, or errors. Example: [warnings, errors] will only show warnings and errors, but suppress success messages. true: An alias to all, kept for backwards compatibility false: An alias to none, kept for backwards compatibility skip_success: An alias to [errors, warnings], kept for backwards compatibility. 1.Loaded from a .config file {log, all}, {log, [success, warnings]}, 2. As an environment variable called from the erlang command line: erl -sync log all erl -sync log none 3. From within the Erlang shell: sync:log(all); sync:log(none); sync:log([errors, warnings]); 配置实例:: [ {sync, [ {growl, all}, {log, all}, {non_descendants, fix}, {executable, auto}, {whitelisted_modules, []}, {excluded_modules, []} ]} ]. .. [1]