luerl [1]_ ############################ lua插件扩展 实例:: % execute a string {Return, State} = luerl:do("print(\"Hello, Robert(o)!\")"), % execute a file {Return, State} = luerl:dofile("./hello.lua"), % 其中: % Return: lua运行的返回值 % State: lua内容翻译的中间代码 % separately parse, then execute State0 = luerl:init(), {ok, Chunk, State1} = luerl:load("print(\"Hello, Chunk!\")", State0), {_Ret, _NewState} = luerl:do(Chunk, State1), %execute a string, get a result: {ok,A} = luerl:eval("return 1 + 1"), {ok,A} = luerl:eval(<<"return 1 + 1">>), % A:2 {A, State} = luerl:do("return 1 + 1"), {A, State} = luerl:do(<<"return 1 + 1">>), % A:2 文件:: > cat hello2-2.lua return 2137 * 42 % execute a file, get a result {ok,B} = luerl:evalfile("./hello2-2.lua"), {B, State} = luerl:dofile("./hello2-2.lua"), % B:89754 标准函数:: luerl:call_function([print], [<<"(8) Hello, standard print function!">>]), luerl:call_function([print], [<<"(9) Hello, print function!">>], luerl:init()) {Result1,_} = luerl:call_function([table,pack], [<<"a">>,<<"b">>,42]), {Result1,_} = luerl:call_function([table,pack], [<<"a">>,<<"b">>,42], luerl:init()), % Result1: [[{1,<<"a">>},{2,<<"b">>},{3,42.0},{<<"n">>,3.0}]] 自定义函数:: % separately parse, then execute (doubles (12) and Chunk2 as assertion) St2A = luerl:init(), {ok,Chunk2,St2B} = luerl:load("function chunk2() print(\"(12) Hello\") end", St2A), {ok,Chunk2,_} = luerl:load(<<"function chunk2() print(\"(12) Hello\") end">>, St2A), % Result2是lua脚本返回值,不返回则值为[] {ok,Result2} = luerl:eval(Chunk2, St2B), {Result2,St2C} = luerl:do(Chunk2, St2B), % do函数内部会先执行load函数 {Result2,St2D} = luerl:do(<<"function chunk2() print(\"(12) Hello\") end">>, St2A), % 函数调用 luerl:call_function([chunk2], [], St2C), % (12) Hello luerl:call_function([chunk2], [], St2D), % (12) Hello 文件中的函数:: % cat hello2-3.lua function no() print("(16) No!") end print("(15) Maybe ...") return "(X) Yes!" % separately parse, then execute a file. The file defines a function no() St3A = luerl:init(), % Chunk3是中间代码 % St3B是luerl中间代码 {ok,Chunk3,St3B} = luerl:loadfile("./hello2-3.lua", St3A), % 执行脚本 {ok,Result3} = luerl:eval(Chunk3, St3B), % (15) Maybe ... {Result3,St3C} = luerl:do(Chunk3, St3B), % (15) Maybe ... {[],_} = luerl:call_function([no], [], St3C), % (16) No! 复杂的:: % create state New = luerl:init(), {_,_New2} = luerl:do("print '(19) hello generix'", New), % (19) hello generix % change state {_,State0} = luerl:do("a = 1000", New), {_,State01} = luerl:do("a = 1000", New), % execute a string, using passed in State0 luerl:eval("print('(20) ' .. a)", State0), % (20) 1000 luerl:eval(<<"print('(21) ' .. a+1)">>, State0), % (21) 1001 luerl:do("print('(22) ' .. a+2)", State0), % (22) 1002 luerl:do(<<"print('(23) ' .. a+3)">>, State0), % (23) 1003 赋值:: % cat hello2-9.lua function confirm(p) return p .. ' (it really is)' end return confirm(a) % separately parse, then execute a file, get a result. The file defines confirm(p) {ok,Chunk14,St8} = luerl:loadfile("./hello2-9.lua", State07), {ok,Result14} = luerl:eval(Chunk14, St8), {Result14,State14} = luerl:do(Chunk14, St8), io:format("(35) And twice: ~s~n", [Result14]), {Result14A,_} = luerl:call_function([confirm], [<<"Is it?">>], State14), io:format("(36) Well: ~s~n", [Result14A]), 实例 '''''' input1.json:: { "name" : "赵卫国", "sex" : "male", "age" : 18, "company" : "qingdao1024" } plugin.lua:: function doit(content) local json = require("luas.json"); new = json.decode(content); = "simon"; new.age = 10; b = json.encode(new); print(b); end server.erl:: translate()-> % 1read input1.json FileJsonPath = "luas/input1.json", {ok, FileJson} = file:open(FileJsonPath, [read]), {ok, Json} = file:read(FileJson, filelib:file_size(FileJsonPath)), io:format("1param: ~p~n", [Json]), BinJson = list_to_binary(Json), translate(BinJson), ok. translate(Json) when is_list(Json)-> translate(list_to_binary(Json)); translate(BinJson) when is_binary(BinJson)-> State0 = luerl:init(), % 2.1read do1.lua FilePath = "./luas/do1.lua", {ok, File} = file:open(FilePath, read), {ok, Content} = file:read(File, filelib:file_size(FilePath)), % 2.2load do1.lua {_Result,State2} = luerl:do(Content, State0), %4 call function {Result, _} = luerl:call_function([doit], [BinJson], State2), io:format("Result: ~p~n", [Result]), ok. 开源项目luerl:: // add to rebar.conf {luerl, {git, "", {tag, "v0.3"}}} 执行:: server:translate(). .. [1]