supervisor模块 [2]_ ######################## start_link ''''''''''''''''' 实例:: start_link(Module, Args) -> startlink_ret() // 同下, 只是没有注册名 start_link(SupName, Module, Args) -> startlink_ret() 类型: SupName = sup_name() Module = module() Args = term() startlink_ret() = {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, startlink_err()} startlink_err() = {already_started, pid()} | {shutdown, term()} | term() sup_name() = {local, Name :: atom()} | {global, Name :: atom()} | {via, Module :: module(), Name :: any()} 说明:: 执行后会调用Module:init/1函数来确定 restart strategy maximum restart intensity child processes 直到init函数执行完且所有子进程都启动才返回 SupName:: {local,Name} - supervisor被使用函数register/2本地注册 {global,Name} - supervisor被使用global:register_name/2全局注册 {via,Module,Name} - supervisor被使用Module的registry represented注册.这个Module 的回调应该export以下3个函数: register_name/2 unregister_name/1 send/2 情形:: 1.如果所有子进程都成功,即返回{ok,Child}, {ok,Child,Info}, or ignore 且supervisor也成功创建,则返回{ok,Child} 2.如果已经有相同名的supervisor,刚返回{error,{already_started,Pid}} 3.如果Module:init/1 返回 ignore,此函数也返回ignore supervisor并以原因normal的方式terminate 4.如果函数Module:init/1失败或返回不正确值,则返回{error,Term} supervisor并以原因Term的方式terminate 5.如任何子进程start函数: 失败 | 返回error tuple | erroneous值 supervisor以shutdown原因终止所有已经启动的子进程 然后终止自己并返回{error, {shutdown, Reason}} start_child ''''''''''''''''' 结构:: start_child(SupRef, ChildSpec) -> startchild_ret() 类型: SupRef = sup_ref() ChildSpec = child_spec() | (List :: [term()]) startchild_ret() = {ok, Child :: child()} | {ok, Child :: child(), Info :: term()} | {error, startchild_err()} startchild_err() = already_present | {already_started, Child :: child()} | term() sup_ref() = (Name :: atom()) | % 如:supervisor本地注册 {Name :: atom(), Node :: node()} | % 如:supervisor是本地的另一个node {global, Name :: atom()} | % 如:supervisor是全局registered {via, Module, Name :: any()} | % 如:supervisor是通过alternative process注册 pid() child_spec() = #{ id := child_id(), start := mfargs(), restart => restart(), shutdown => shutdown(), type => worker(), modules => modules() } 对非simple_one_for_one类型 1.此child已存在且未启动: {error,already_present} 2.此child已存在且已启动: {error,{already_started,Child}} 3.{ok,Child} or {ok,Child,Info} 4.如child返回ignore,此child会被加入到supervisor中且值为undefined,并返回{ok,undefined} 对simple_one_for_one类型 规格在init/1函数中已经确定,ChildSpec类型格式为List :: [term()] 1.子进程启动时参数附加上List,结合{M,F,A},执行apply(M, F, A++List) 2.如child返回ignore,函数返回{ok,undefined},且不把child加入到supervisor中 3.如子进程返回error tuple或erroneous value或fails,则忽略,并返回 {error,Error} 实例:: % supervisor版: init([]) -> {ok,{{simple_one_for_one, 0, 1}, [{demo_gun_hubsock, {demo_gun_hubsock, start_link, []}, temporary, brutal_kill, worker, [demo_gun_hubsock]}]}}. % start_child版: Args = {demo_gun_hubsock, {demo_gun_hubsock, start_link, [[]]}, temporary, brutal_kill, worker, [demo_gun_hubsock]} start_child(Args) -> supervisor:start_child(demo_gun_hubsock_sup, Args). %or => ChildSpecs = [#{ id => demo_gun_hubsock, start => {demo_gun_hubsock, start_link, []}, shutdown => brutal_kill }], supervisor:start_child(demo_gun_hubsock_sup, ChildSpecs). which_children/1 ''''''''''''''''''''' 实例:: which_children(SupRef) -> [{Id, Child, Type, Modules}] 类型: SupRef = sup_ref() Id = child_id() | undefined Child = child() | restarting Type = worker | supervisor Modules = modules() 说明:: 返回创建的子列表 .. note:: 注意:child太多时可能会造成占用内存过多 每个子进程包含的信息:: Id: 1.child specification 2.undefined for simple_one_for_one Child: 1.相应子进程的pid 2.如果进程重启,the atom restarting 3.undefined if there is no such process. Type: As defined in the child specification. Modules: As defined in the child specification. design_principles [1]_ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 实例:: start_link() -> supervisor:start_link(ch_sup, []). init(_Args) -> SupFlags = #{ strategy => one_for_one, intensity => 1, period => 5}, ChildSpecs = [#{ id => ch3, start => {ch3, start_link, []}, restart => permanent, shutdown => brutal_kill, type => worker, modules => [cg3]}], {ok, {SupFlags, ChildSpecs}}. SupFlags结构:: sup_flags() = #{ strategy => strategy(), % optional intensity => non_neg_integer(), % optional period => pos_integer() % optional } 重启机制(strategy()):: one_for_one 子进程终止并被重启,其他子进程不受影响 one_for_all 子进程终止并被重启,其他子进程都会被终止并重启 rest_for_one 子进程终止并被重启,此子进程后面的子进程都会被终止并重启 simple_one_for_one 所有的进程都是动态增加同样process type的实例 函数delete_child/2和restart_child/2方法对此种类型都是非法的,并会报错 {error,simple_one_for_one} 函数terminate_child/2可以使用,第2个参数是pid() intensity与period:: 子进程在period秒内重启intensity,则重启此supervisor ChildSpecs结构:: child_spec() = {Id,StartFunc,Restart,Shutdown,Type,Modules} Id = term() StartFunc = {M,F,A} M = F = atom() A = [term()] Restart = permanent | transient | temporary Shutdown = brutal_kill | int()>0 | infinity Type = worker | supervisor Modules = [Module] | dynamic Module = atom() Restart参数:: permanent 总是被重启 transient 只有在不正常终止时才重启,即不是下面3个终止原因: normal, shutdown, or {shutdown,Term} temporary 总是不重启 Shutdown参数:: // 定义如何能一定终止子进程 // 默认值: // supervisor: infinity // worker: 5000 brutal_kill 无条件的使用exit(Child,kill)终止 int()>0 先使用exit(Child,shutdown)终止,如果在int秒时间内没有收到原因为shutdown的exit信号, 则使用无条件使用exit(Child,kill)终止 infinity 一般用于supervisor,给以足够时间终止 也可以用于worker,但要足够小心 Modules参数:: // 可选,默认值是[M] 1.如果子进程是supervisor, gen_server or, gen_statem [Module],其他Module是回调模块 2.如果子进程是gen_event with dynamic set of callback modules dynamic simple_one_for_one实例:: -module(simple_sup). -behaviour(supervisor). -export([start_link/0]). -export([init/1]). start_link() -> supervisor:start_link(simple_sup, []). init(_Args) -> SupFlags = #{strategy => simple_one_for_one, intensity => 0, period => 1}, ChildSpecs = [#{id => call, start => {call, start_link, []}, shutdown => brutal_kill}], {ok, {SupFlags, ChildSpecs}}. // 使用: supervisor:start_child(Sup, List) // 如: supervisor:start_child(Pid, [id1]) // 等同于: apply(call, start_link, []++[id1]) 综合实例:: [Pid || {_, Pid, _, _} <- supervisor:which_children(demo_lager_sup)]. .. 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