gen_server模块 ##################### Design Principles '''''''''''''''''''''''''' Client-Server Principles: 1 Server VS n Client .. figure:: :width: 60% 监控树模式:: init(Args) -> ..., process_flag(trap_exit, true), ..., {ok, State}. ... terminate(shutdown, State) -> ..code for cleaning up here.. ok. Standalone Gen_Servers:: ... export([stop/0]). ... stop() -> gen_server:cast(ch3, stop). ... handle_cast(stop, State) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_cast({free, Ch}, State) -> .... ... terminate(normal, State) -> ok. .. function:: abcast/2/3 结构:: abcast(Name, Request) -> abcast abcast(Nodes, Name, Request) -> abcast 类型: Nodes = [Node] Request = term() 说明:: 向指定Node本地注册为Name的gen_server进程发送asynchronous请求 此函数立即返回,忽略not exist结点或不存在gen_server名 此gen_server进程调用Module:handle_cast/2方法处理此请求 注: 更多请求参考:multi_call/2,3,4. .. function:: call/2/3 结构:: call(ServerRef, Request) -> Reply call(ServerRef, Request, Timeout) -> Reply Types ServerRef = Name | {Name,Node} | {global,GlobalName} | {via,Module,ViaName} | pid() Node = atom() GlobalName = ViaName = term() Request = term() Timeout = int()>0 | infinity Reply = term() .. function:: enter_loop/3/4/5 结构:: enter_loop(Module, Options, State) enter_loop(Module, Options, State, ServerName) enter_loop(Module, Options, State, Timeout) enter_loop(Module, Options, State, ServerName, Timeout) 类型:: Options = [{debug,Dbgs} | {hibernate_after,HibernateAfterTimeout}] Dbgs = [trace | log | statistics | {log_to_file,FileName} | {install,{Func,FuncState}}] 作用 [1]_ :: 让一个已经存在的process进入gen_server进程中 Does not return, instead the calling process enters the gen_server process receive loop and becomes a gen_server process. 此进程必须用proc_lib[1]的启动函数启动 用户需要手动做进程初使化(包括注册名,如果指定ServerName) 此函数在做比gen_server还复杂的初始化时更加有用 .. warning:: 失败原因: 1.调用进程不是由proc_lib启动 2.指定ServerName但没有注册 .. function:: multi_call/2/3/4 结构:: multi_call(Name, Request) -> Result multi_call(Nodes, Name, Request) -> Result multi_call(Nodes, Name, Request, Timeout) -> Result 类型: Nodes = [Node] Name = atom() Request = term() Timeout = int()>=0 | infinity Result = {Replies,BadNodes} Replies = [{Node,Reply}] Reply = term() BadNodes = [Node] 说明:: 向每个Node上本地注册为Name的gen_server发送synchronous请求,并等待返回 Nodes默认值为: [node()|nodes()] Timeout默认值为: infinity .. warning:: 如其中有node不能处理monitor(如C Node或Java Node) gen_server在请求时没有启动,但在2秒内启动 此函数会等待整个超时时间,包括infinity 注: 全Erlang结点没有此问题 .. function:: reply/2 结构:: reply(Client, Reply) -> Result Types Client - see below Reply = term() Result = term() 说明:: 当不能使用Module:handle_call/3函数的返回值定义回复时,gen_server进程可以使用此函数显示回复 之后的就不需要handler_call的返回值了,即可使用: {noreply, xxx} .. function:: start/start_link/3/4 :: start(Module, Args, Options) -> Result start(ServerName, Module, Args, Options) -> Result start_link(Module, Args, Options) -> Result start_link(ServerName, Module, Args, Options) -> Result 类型: ServerName = {local,Name} | {global,GlobalName} | {via,Module,ViaName} Options = [Option] Option = {debug,Dbgs} | {timeout,Time} | {hibernate_after,HibernateAfterTimeout} | {spawn_opt,SOpts} Dbgs = [Dbg] Dbg = trace | log | statistics | {log_to_file,FileName} | {install,{Func,FuncState}} SOpts = [term()] Result = {ok,Pid} | ignore | {error,Error} Error = {already_started,Pid} | term() Args:: If option {timeout,Time} is present, the gen_server process is allowed to spend Time milliseconds initializing or it is terminated and the start function returns {error,timeout}. If option {hibernate_after,HibernateAfterTimeout} is present, the gen_server process awaits any message for HibernateAfterTimeout milliseconds and if no message is received, the process goes into hibernation automatically (by calling proc_lib:hibernate/3). If option {debug,Dbgs} is present, the corresponding sys function is called for each item in Dbgs; see sys(3). If option {spawn_opt,SOpts} is present, SOpts is passed as option list to the spawn_opt BIF, which is used to spawn the gen_server process; see spawn_opt/2. .. function:: stop/1/3 类型:: stop(ServerRef) -> ok stop(ServerRef, Reason, Timeout) -> ok 类型: ServerRef = Name | {Name,Node} | {global,GlobalName} | {via,Module,ViaName} | pid() Reason = term() 说明:: 指定server以Reason原因exit并等待它终止.此gen_server进程会在exit前调用Module:terminate/2 Reason默认值为: normal Timeout默认值为: infinity, 单位milliseconds Reason为normal, shutdown, or {shutdown,Term}时会返回ok并terminate Reason为其他时,会causes an error report to be issued using logger(3) 如果服务在指定时间内没有被terminated,则抛出timeout exception 如果此process不exist, 抛出a noproc exception .. function:: Module:init :: Module:init(Args) -> Result 类型: Args = term() Result = {ok,State} | {ok,State,Timeout} | {ok,State,hibernate} | {ok,State,{continue,Continue}} | {stop,Reason} | ignore State = term() Timeout = int()>=0 | infinity Reason = term() 说明:: {ok,State,Timeout} 除非Timeout millisecond时间内收到请求,否则会触发timeout的info消息 {ok,State} 等于 {ok,State,infinity} 一直等待请求过来 {ok,State,hibernate} 等待消息时进入hibernate状态,通过调用proc_lib:hibernate/3 {stop,Reason} | ignore 初使化失败时,返回 .. function:: code_change/3 实例:: 1.reloader升级后发现每5000s reloader一次代码: 原因: node没有重启, gen_server里面state的值没有变 原来单位是ms,这次升级后变成s .. 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