rel ##### Release resource file 说明:: The release resource file 指定了哪些应用会被包含在一个基于Erlang/OTP的release系统中 此文件被systools函数用于生成(.script, .boot)脚本和release升级文件(.relup) 语法:: {release, {RelName,Vsn}, {erts, EVsn}, [{Application, AppVsn} | {Application, AppVsn, Type} | {Application, AppVsn, IncApps} | {Application, AppVsn, Type, IncApps}]}. Type = permanent | transient | temporary | load | none Defaults to permanent If Type = load, the application is only loaded. If Type = none, the application is not loaded and not started, although the code for its modules is loaded. IncApps = [atom()]