v3.1 [1]_ ######### v3.1.21 (2019-TBD) ================== etcdctl v3:: Strip out insecure endpoints from DNS SRV records when using discovery with etcdctl v2 Add etcdctl endpoint health --write-out support. v3.1.19 (2018-07-24) ==================== Improved:: ReadIndex机制: Improve Raft Read Index timeout warning messages. Go:: Compile with Go 1.8.7. v3.1.13 (2018-03-29) ==================== Improved:: Adjust election timeout on server restart to reduce disruptive rejoining servers. Metrics, Monitoring:: Note that any etcd_debugging_* metrics are experimental and subject to change. Go:: Compile with Go 1.8.7. v3.1.0 (2017-01-20) =================== Improved:: Faster linearizable reads (implements Raft read-index). https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/pull/6212 v3 authentication API is now stable. Go:: Compile with Go 1.7.4. .. [1] https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG-3.1.md