Ingress Controllers ################### Open-Source Ingress Controllers =============================== * `Ambassador `_ : API Gateway based on Envoy with community/commercial support from Datawire * `Voyager `_ : HAProxy based Ingress Controller from AppsCode * `Contour `_ : Envoy based Ingress Controller from Heptio (acquired by VMWare) * `Gloo `_: Envoy based API Gateway with enterprise support from * `Citrix `_: Ingress Controller for MPX, VPX, and CPX ADC products * `F5 `_: Supports F5’s BIG-IP Container Ingress Services * `HAProxy `_: Community-driven HAProxy Ingress Controller as well as enterprise offering from HAProxy Tech * `Istio `_: Ingress Gateway for Istio-enabled clusters * `Kong `_: nginx-based API gateway with community/enterprise options from KongHQ * `NGINX `_: official Ingress for NGINX and NGINX Plus * `Skipper `_: HTTP router and reverse proxy from Zalando * `Traefik `_: HTTP reverse proxy with commercial support from Containous .. image:: 参考 ==== *