git-sync ################## Using SSH with git-sync [1]_ =============================== Step 1: Create Secret -------------------------- 前提:: // Obtain the host keys for your git server: $ ssh-keyscan $YOUR_GIT_HOST > /tmp/known_hosts // 实例: $ ssh-keyscan > /tmp/known_hosts Method 1:: // 指定git的密钥和known_hosts(指定secret名: git-creds) $> kubectl create secret generic git-creds \ --from-file=ssh=/Users/zhaoweiguo/.ssh/gordon.git \ --from-file=known_hosts=/tmp/known_hosts Method 2:: { "kind": "Secret", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "git-creds" }, "data": { "ssh": # 这儿是密钥的base64 "known_hosts": # 这儿是known_hosts的base64 } } // 执行 $> kubectl create -f /path/to/secret-config.json Step 2: Configure Pod/Deployment volume ---------------------------------------------- :: # ... volumes: - name: git-secret secret: secretName: git-creds defaultMode: 288 # 0440 # ... Step 3: Configure git-sync container ------------------------------------------ :: # ... containers: - name: git-sync image: args: - "-ssh" - "" - "-dest=bar" - "-branch=master" volumeMounts: - name: git-secret mountPath: /etc/git-secret securityContext: runAsUser: 65533 # git-sync user # ... 最后:完整实例 -------------------- .. literalinclude:: /files/k8s/practices/git-sync.yaml :language: yaml 说明:: 1. git免登录所需密钥和known_hosts所需目录: /etc/git-secret 2. clone下来项目目录: $HOME,这儿是/tmp目录 3. 使用用户65533和组65533clone项目 4. 使用defaultMode288指定ssh文件的mode440: $> ls -alh /etc/git-secret/ -r--r----- 1 root nogroup 653 Jul 20 10:57 known_hosts -r--r----- 1 root nogroup 1.7K Jul 20 10:57 ssh git-sync可用命令 --------------------- Usage of ./bin/darwin_amd64/git-sync:: -alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files -branch string the git branch to check out (default "master") -change-permissions int the file permissions to apply to the checked-out files -cookie-file use git cookiefile -depth int use a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits -dest string the name at which to publish the checked-out files under --root (defaults to leaf dir of --repo) -git string the git command to run (subject to PATH search) (default "git") -http-bind string the bind address (including port) for git-sync's HTTP endpoint -http-metrics enable metrics on git-sync's HTTP endpoint (default true) -http-pprof enable the pprof debug endpoints on git-sync's HTTP endpoint -log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace -log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory -logtostderr log to standard error instead of files -max-sync-failures int the number of consecutive failures allowed before aborting (the first pull must succeed, -1 disables aborting for any number of failures after the initial sync) -one-time exit after the initial checkout -password string the password to use -repo string the git repository to clone -rev string the git revision (tag or hash) to check out (default "HEAD") -root string the root directory for git operations (default "/Users/zhaoweiguo/git") -ssh use SSH for git operations -ssh-key-file string the ssh key to use (default "/etc/git-secret/ssh") -ssh-known-hosts enable SSH known_hosts verification (default true) -ssh-known-hosts-file string the known hosts file to use (default "/etc/git-secret/known_hosts") -stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr -timeout int the max number of seconds for a complete sync (default 120) -username string the username to use -v value log level for V logs -version print the version and exit -vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging -wait float the number of seconds between syncs -webhook-backoff duration if a webhook call fails (dependant on webhook-success-status) this defines how much time to wait before retrying the call (default 3s) -webhook-method string the method for the webook to send with (default "POST") -webhook-success-status int the status code which indicates a successful webhook call. A value of -1 disables success checks to make webhooks fire-and-forget (default 200) -webhook-timeout duration the timeout used when communicating with the webhook target (default 1s) -webhook-url string the URL for the webook to send to. Default is "" which disables the webook. .. [1]