kubectl get #################### 用法:: kubectl get [(-o|--output=)json|yaml|wide|custom-columns=...|custom-columns-file=... |go-template=...|go-template-file=...|jsonpath=...|jsonpath-file=...] (TYPE[.VERSION][.GROUP] [NAME | -l label] | TYPE[.VERSION][.GROUP]/NAME ...) [flags] [options] 实例:: $> kubectl get pods # 可简写为 kubectl get po $> kubectl get replicationcontroller # 可简写为 kubectl get rc $> kubectl get services # 可简写为 kubectl get svc $> kubectl get nodes $> kubectl get cronjob $> kubectl get jobs $> kubectl get event --watch // 获取全部类型的资源 $> kubectl get all 定时相关:: // 查看crontab情况 $ kubectl get cronjob $ kubectl get cronjob // 查看 Job 的执行情况 $> kubectl get jobs $> kubectl get jobs // cron第一次执行job $ kubectl get cronjob NAME SCHEDULE SUSPEND ACTIVE LAST SCHEDULE AGE goanalysis 35 6 * * * False 0 2m29s // cron在3分钟多前执行过一次 $ kubectl get cronjob NAME SCHEDULE SUSPEND ACTIVE LAST SCHEDULE AGE goanalysis 35 6 * * * False 0 3m5s 6m57s pod:: # 列出pods时显示更多信息(如node名,ip等) $> kubectl get pods -o wide # 展示出停止状态的信息 $> kubectl get jobs --show-all -o wide // --show-labels # 显示label $> kubectl get pods --show-labels // -L, --label-columns=[] # 显示指定label $> kubectl get pods -L labelkey1,labelkey2 // -l, --selector='' # 过滤指定k/v $> kubectl get po -l labelkey1=labelvalue1 $> kubectl get po -l labelkey1!=labelvalue1 $> kubectl get po -l labelkey1 in (value1, value2) $> kubectl get po -l labelkey1 notin (value1, value2) # 有key1标签的 $> kubectl get po -l key1 # 没有key1标签的 $> kubectl get po -l '!key1' // -o, --output='' # 查看指定pod详情 $> kubectl get pods -o yaml services:: # 查看指定services $> kubectl get svc -o yaml # 查询入口网关服务的 IP 地址 kubectl get service serviceName -n default -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}" node:: kubectl get nodes -l labelkey1=labelvalue1 # 查看node详情 $> kubectl get node -o yaml replicationcontroller:: # 列出单个rc $ kubectl get replicationcontroller web namespace:: # 列出所有ns kubectl get ns # 列出指定ns的pods列表 kubectl get po --namespace or kubectl get po -n 查看configmap:: $> kubectl get configmap --all-namespaces $> kubectl get configmap -o yaml 监听:: -w, --watch=false # 查看Pod删除和重新创建的过程 $ kubectl get pod -w -l app=nginx # 查看事件(详见下表) $> kubectl get event --watch 表:创建pod过程 +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NAME | KIND | SUBOBJECT | TYPE | REASON | SOURCE | MESSAGE | +==========================+======+=============================+===========+===================+==================================+==================================================================+ | podname.15f33648d8e97c9e | Pod | Normal | Scheduled | default-scheduler | empty | Successfully assigned default/podname to cn-beijing. | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f336490a33b960 | Pod | spec.containers{main} | Normal | Pulling | kubelet, cn-beijing. | pulling image "tutum/curl" | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f3365333f4c0ac | Pod | spec.containers{main} | Normal | Pulled | kubelet, cn-beijing. | Successfully pulled image "tutum/curl" | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f33653360a1912 | Pod | spec.containers{main} | Normal | Created | kubelet, cn-beijing. | Created container | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f336534846ab6a | Pod | spec.containers{main} | Normal | Started | kubelet, cn-beijing. | Started container | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f336534853dc05 | Pod | spec.containers{ambassador} | Normal | Pulling | kubelet, cn-beijing. | pulling image "luksa/kubectl-proxy:1.6.2" | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f33655386fb6bc | Pod | spec.containers{ambassador} | Normal | Pulled | kubelet, cn-beijing. | Successfully pulled image "luksa/kubectl-proxy:1.6.2" | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f336553a336296 | Pod | spec.containers{ambassador} | Normal | Created | kubelet, cn-beijing. | Created container | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f336554fa3b009 | Pod | spec.containers{ambassador} | Normal | Started | kubelet, cn-beijing. | Started container | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f33668368bddae | Pod | spec.containers{ambassador} | Normal | Killing | kubelet, cn-beijing. | Killing container with id docker://ambassador:Need to kill Pod | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | podname.15f336683a3b25f0 | Pod | spec.containers{main} | Normal | Killing | kubelet, cn-beijing. | Killing container with id docker://main:Need to kill Pod | +--------------------------+------+-----------------------------+-----------+-------------------+----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ 其他:: # List deployments in JSON output format, in the "v1" version of the "apps" API group: $ kubectl get deployments.v1.apps -o json # List a single pod in JSON output format. $ kubectl get -o json pod web-pod-13je7 # List a pod identified by type and name specified in "pod.yaml" in JSON output format. $ kubectl get -f pod.yaml -o json # Return only the phase value of the specified pod. $ kubectl get -o template pod/web-pod-13je7 --template={{.status.phase}} # List all replication controllers and services together in ps output format. $ kubectl get rc,services # List one or more resources by their type and names. $ kubectl get rc/web service/frontend pods/web-pod-13je7 // 查看各组件信息 $ kubectl get componentstatuses NAME STATUS MESSAGE ERROR controller-manager Healthy ok scheduler Healthy ok etcd-0 Healthy {"health":"true"} 以其他格式打印 $ k get po -o yaml $ k get po -o json $ k get po -o jsonpath="Name: {.metadata.name} Status: {.status.phase}" 允许的格式有: custom-columns,custom-columns-file,go-template,go-template-file, json,jsonpath,jsonpath-file,name,template,templatefile,wide,yaml JSONPath Support [1]_ ===================== 实例1 ----- json格式(如: k get po -o json):: { "kind": "List", "items":[ { "kind":"None", "metadata":{"name":""}, "status":{ "capacity":{"cpu":"4"}, "addresses":[{"type": "LegacyHostIP", "address":""}] } }, { "kind":"None", "metadata":{"name":""}, "status":{ "capacity":{"cpu":"8"}, "addresses":[ {"type": "LegacyHostIP", "address":""}, {"type": "another", "address":""} ] } } ], "users":[ { "name": "myself", "user": {} }, { "name": "e2e", "user": {"username": "admin", "password": "secret"} } ] } 函数说明:: text: kind is {.kind} @: {@} (the current object ) . or []: {.kind} or {[‘kind’]} ..: {..name} *: {.items[*].metadata.name} [start:end :step]: {.users[0].name} [,]: {.items[*][‘metadata.name’, ‘status.capacity’]} ?(): {.users[?(@.name==“e2e”)].user.password} range, end: {range .items[*]}[{.metadata.name}, {.status.capacity}] {end} “: {range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{’\t’}{end} 实例:: kubectl get pods -o json kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{@}' kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[0]}' kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}' kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.startTime}{"\n"}{end}' On Windows:: C:\> kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{'\t'}{.status.startTime}{'\n'}{end}" C:\> kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{\"\t\"}{.status.startTime}{\"\n\"}{end}" 实例2 ----- input:: $ kubectl get svc first-deployment -o yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: creationTimestamp: "2020-04-22T06:44:41Z" labels: app: first-deployment name: first-deployment namespace: default resourceVersion: "529" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/services/first-deployment uid: a25ff4b7-0ee9-4fdc-b134-6c66f9431bc1 spec: clusterIP: externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster ports: - nodePort: 31012 port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 80 selector: app: first-deployment sessionAffinity: None type: NodePort status: loadBalancer: {} 使用:: $ export PORT=$(kubectl get svc first-deployment \ -o go-template='{{range.spec.ports}}{{if .nodePort}}{{.nodePort}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}') 实例3 ----- Get ExternalIPs of all nodes:: kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}' List Names of Pods that belong to Particular RC:: sel=${$(kubectl get rc my-rc --output=json | jq -j '.spec.selector | to_entries | .[] | "\(.key)=\(.value),"')%?} echo $(kubectl get pods --selector=$sel --output=jsonpath={.items..metadata.name}) Check which nodes are ready:: JSONPATH='{range .items[*]}{@.metadata.name}:{range @.status.conditions[*]}{@.type}={@.status};{end}{end}' \ && kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath="$JSONPATH" | grep "Ready=True" List all Secrets currently in use by a pod:: kubectl get pods -o json | jq '.items[].spec.containers[].env[]?.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.name' | grep -v null | sort | uniq List all containerIDs of initContainer of all pods:: # Helpful when cleaning up stopped containers, while avoiding removal of initContainers. kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*].status.initContainerStatuses[*]}{.containerID}{"\n"}{end}' | cut -d/ -f3 .. [1] https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/jsonpath/