.. _pygments_languages: 支持高亮的语言列表 ================== * 网址: http://pygments.org/languages/ * 詳細的查看下面:language:值的地方: http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/ * 编程语言 .. literalinclude:: ./files/pygments_language.txt :language: nginx :emphasize-lines: 23,49,58 :linenos: * 模板语言 .. literalinclude:: ./files/pygments_template_languages.txt :language: nginx :linenos: * 其他标记语言 .. literalinclude:: ./files/pygments_other_markup.txt :language: nginx :emphasize-lines: 19-20 :linenos: * 自已写一个新的: Well, why not write your own? Contributing to Pygments is easy and fun. Look here for the docs on lexer development and `here `_ for contact details. Note: the languages listed here are supported in the development version. The latest release may lack a few of them.