Domains ####### * 官网: Standard ======== .. option:: dest_dir Destination directory. .. option:: -m , --module Run a module as a script. JS === .. js:function:: $.getJSON(href, callback[, errback]) :param string href: An URI to the location of the resource. :param callback: Gets called with the object. :param errback: Gets called in case the request fails. And a lot of other text so we need multiple lines. :throws SomeError: For whatever reason in that case. :returns: Something. reStructuredText ================ .. rst:directive:: foo Foo description. .. rst:directive:: .. bar:: baz Bar description. .. rst:directive:: toctree .. rst:directive:option:: maxdepth :type: integer or no value .. rst:role:: foo Foo description. Math ==== .. math:: e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0 :label: euler Euler's identity, equation :math:numref:`euler`, was elected one of the most beautiful mathematical formulas. Python ====== .. py:function:: Timer.repeat(repeat=3, number=1000000) .. py:class:: Foo .. py:method:: quux() -- or -- .. py:class:: Bar .. py:method:: Bar.quux()