git submodule命令 ###################################### * set up the submodule the first time:: cd ~/main git submodule add git://.git ./subm git submodule update --init git add . git commit -a * fetch submodule after cloning a repository:: git clone git://.git git submodule init git submodule update * pull upstream main repo changes and update submodule contents:: git pull origin master git submodule update * pull upstream changes to the submodules:: cd ./subm git pull origin/master cd .. git commit ./subm -m "update submodule reference" * Edit and commit file in your submodule:: cd ./subm edit git commit -m "update " cd .. git commit ./subm -m "update submodule reference" * Push your submodule changes to the submodule stream:: cd .subm git push origin master * other:: git submodule foreach git pull origin master or git submodule foreach /path/to/some/cool/ 批量:: git submodule foreach git pull git submodule foreach --recursive git submodule init git submodule foreach --recursive git submodule update Remove a Submodule within git [1]_ ------------------------------------ * Delete the relevant section from the ``.gitmodules`` file. The section would look similar to:: [submodule "vendor"] path = vendor url = git:// * Stage the ``.gitmodules`` changes via command line using ``git add .gitmodule`` * Delete the relevant section from the ``.git/config`` file, which would like this:: [submodule "vendor"] url = git:// * Run ``git rm --cached path/to/submodule`` . Don't include a trailing slash——which will lead to error. * Run ``rm -rf .git/modules/submodule`` * Commit the change * Delete the now untracked submodule files ``rm -rf path/to/submodule`` .. [1]