插入多行递增数字 ################ Increment selection 插件 ======================== 在 Sublime Text 中为每个选择添加一个数字,每个选择增加一次。 默认的快捷键是:: ctrl alt i or cmd ctrl i. 插件地址: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Increment%20Selection Examples -------- Tips: [] stands for a selection, | stands for a caret:: [1] text [1] text [1] -> 1| text 2| text 3| [a] text [a] text [a] -> a| text b| text c| [A] text [A] text [A] -> A| text B| text C| [01] text [01] text [01] -> 01| text 02| text 03| [05,2] text [05,2] text [05,2] -> 05| text 07| text 09| [5,-1] text [5,-1] text [5,-1] -> 5| text 4| text 3| [a,3] text [a,3] text [a,3] -> a| text d| text g| Increment follows the difference between the first and second element:: [10] text [9] text [1] -> 10| text 9| text 8| [a] text [c] text [a] -> a| text c| text e| Generate line numbers(显示当前行):: [#] line -> 1| line [#] line -> 2| line [#] line -> 3| line [#] line -> 4| line [#] line -> 5| line InsertNums 插件 =============== 安装:: Ctrl+Shift+P 调用 Package Control 输入 pki,选择 Package Control:Install Package 输入 InsertNums,选择 InsertNums 安装 快捷键:: Ctrl+Alt+N or Cmd + Option + N Emmet 插件 ========== 安装:: Ctrl+Shift+P 调用 Package Control 输入 pki,选择 Package Control:Install Package 输入 Emmet,选择 Emmet 安装 使用:: 直接在编辑器中输入,然后按 Tab 即可。(文件格式需要为 HTML) todo 更多使用场景,用的时候再说